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Everything posted by qqqq1

  1. so basically your saying M.O.W is todays special that spawn in dungeon ...... i see people every day asking what should i get from the merchat cause he literally doesnt have anything special its like buying mats that u dont need to buy .....can bns make it better yes do they wish to no .... theres alot of place to get soul shield yes but why add them here when nobody needs them .....like putting a hat on a hat...its this common thing bns do all the time ....and the community it self now follows this meta. grand celes. weapon for a raid that u need to do to get that weapon anybody doing if shoudl already have raven soul shield , its a waste of a chance at a actual legendary drop .... looking in at a community perspective ..... anybody doing if would already have ful vt or 3 vt 5 bt already at the current state of the game ... its more rewarding or feels like a legendary drop if people demand it ...its more of as troll factor oh oh a legendary drop oh look bt ss -______- why not add vt ss at least then people will acutally need it and its a leg drop so its rare . yes dungeon nopt a place to get those ss but dont add them because doing that is the same as getting them from there . -rolls eyes-
  2. the only reason , true stages are sealeable is to prevent people from selling the souls they get from event etc like awaken stages but i dont see any harm making them account bound and we use charm from hm store to send to another character they still draining our pockets either way .... what i dont see sense in is to upgrade like 8-10 times just to send a soul to a different character not everyone ingames is fortunate to throw they life saving and have oils stack on oils i have a awaken cosmic soul at stage 3 am looking at 30 something oil just to go true .....and that soul i have is sitting on a character is i no longer in use ... so u might not see a problem but no everyone is whale and can afford it ...theres alot more stuff to upgrade ... if this game cares about making those steps easy game would be better ... and with the ever so changing nature of this game making classes weaker, more ping dependent and unenjoyable at times ..this is something they need to implement ..... makes no sense investing into something and when a patch drops that change the whole playstyle of your class in general and u are no longer happy and have to switch ..... its like u have nto do everyhting theres not a dim of light u can re use from as another character is like a war to start over ..... whales dont see this as they have everything over true .
  3. anybody doing iron tech forg will most likely have raven soul shields up ..... so those dropping makes no logic...... tbh nayru sancum needs to drop raven sould shield ...everything up drops vt ss ....... i mean why would it be a rare drop if everyone has it.....nobody ever bids on it... at least people doing if up are people who looking to better those items and make it more of a rewarding drop ..... merchant of wonders why everytime this guy spawns he has the same boring set of items i mean them prices are not even cheap and the items are meh 2 gold for a elysian crystal when a orb is 4 g ...... seriously ..its like going out my way to buy something that i could farm . just remove those and add more outfits from certain places in game like wigs etc ..... the prices for everything is way too high ty
  4. and i had a team ...... i mean yea tag will be slow but deep down everyone one just given up on it ....i see new comers very day begging 3 participates...
  5. if yall dont care about pvp in this game least u can do is thow a bone in tag match daily for a little spark and remove solo tag match quing qith a easy way to recruit people the reason y the game losing people is because all the pvpers are leaving ..its been over a year since we had a pvp event and almost 2 years since the arena dedicated pvp event .... it doesnt look for new comers to come in to the game to see arena as dead as it is now its sad when people solo queue for a whole 30 minutes in game not knowing how to get a team to increase the chances by 1 percent to acutally get a match ... i mean i been in tag queue for 30 minutes today and its a tag daily like ????? is it really that hard to add one event token to pvp daily u guys rotate the current event stuff in dungeons and could at least add it to tag match at least a day of the week ??? arena is lvl 45 up so not much to really worry about . sad in a pvp demanding market ....... not even to draw some eyes for a while
  6. this game makes it so hard to transition from 1 character to the next .... if i was gonna switch mains and i have a stage 1 cosmic soul ...... ur literally forced to bring it all the way to true cosmic soul buy a bunch of charms just to send it over if ur not selling it . same goes for pet aura i was wondering at what stage i can send my pet aura over to an alt..... i have to buy like over 100 pet auras just to do this .... i mean can u guys add some charms to make soul and pet account bound at leg stages .... every year a new class comes with whales alone enjoying it while mini whales have to start all over again ...its this start all over meta that this game keep losing ppl ..... it sad when u switch mains and u look at all the effort u put in to getting something just to watch it rot on another char . and u caNT BLAME people the game makes the new classes so flashy ..and this is the reason this game is failing because sooner or later people wont be able to keep up .if i have awaken cosmic soul stage 1 on my main and i switch mains i will suffer having to finsih lvl that soul before my new character can get it ...... or start over the process of getting new soul .... for person who are far awaken from making a certain item tradeable account bound charms should be inplace to make the transition better cause at the end of the day u still have to lvl ur soul
  7. u force pvp people to do pve content for gear ...force pve to do pvp content ...just the same ...... i can bet the next patch is 100 percent pve content and if they bat an eye lash at pvp content ill make a toast until then
  8. this game has so much potential but in wrong hands ....i heard tournaments are over even another reason y pvpers will leave and tbh most of the ranking are like eu players swarming ranking boards close to season reset .. if i have a soul now .... why would i spend thousands of gold trying to upgrade it when it will be free or for low low ..... rushing getting to aransu then soon 2 weapons be over u ..... its just the same thing so my point is when ppl get bored of this upgrade nerf ...refarm tatic what is left to do nothing
  9. the game is like this .... aniversary patch march/april -skill changes trove evey 3 months , rng box after then some fashion box rotate all over sept a new class ....its broken and ruin the game play for anyone for the next 3 months, nerf that class to nothing just to boost another new class. december a new place , and level increase aniversary patch decorate jadestone ... recycle an old event dungeon summer recyle the frog guy in glasses event all the same thing .... in all of this they haven't once look into making pvp better ..i see posting about some arena ranking bug . i made gold and i didnt get a thing come season reset .....on top of getting cc the moment i enter the field i manage to go that far even on my other class went 1670 .... if they continue down this path idk whats gonna happen .... i thought thats what new team would try to restore but this team more focus on power more than ever ..literally throwing everything out there .... isnt it better to have more ppl playing the game and talking about it rather than chasing away everyone leaving the the whales ???? i mean korea is pvp central and they have ping and pc and unreal what ever ......but at least implement some changes that makes everyone life easier ...all i see happening is copy and paste korea content .... imagine big skill changes and nobody pvping like come on. i see ppl trying to get 3 arena tag and they saying game is dead lol you want a tag match u have to beg ppl to join for 15 minutes then beg someone to make a party ....\ its a simple fix add 1 of the event pouches u guys throwing in dungeon in tag match daily when its a daily ...... SIMPLE BUT WILL U GUYS NO? idk if its difficult but only reason when new class drops the populations gets high is becuase old pvpers come back to pvp with the class ..... when they bored they leave
  10. i mean any body into pvp , will love battleground..and they will whale if thats what they want but ...thIS game treat pvp like a THIRD WHEEL ...pvp made this game popular from misty days and ssp but now idk i thinkn they given up and just focus on money money ..and no focusing on content ppl will love..its just a thirst for power and dps now...and farming your life away. arena quest are the same since bns started nothing has changed same silver .... its not rewarding and they try so hard to make arena a back seat in every patch
  11. when i saw that some changes were made to staff i was excited to see the new direction of the game but turns out , this team only care about pve content in general ........ since the new team came arena yet again dropped by another 50 percent of active people doing arena .... the last 2 tag match daily of the week were so horrible i doubt that at least 2 tag match went on ... looking in spectate area this week mutliple time i've seen were only 1 match was going on and yea ppl might be far rank apart but lets be real nobody in general was doing it i was literally on an alt at 1400 ...it was in the evening ive seen this happen mid day even night point is .... arena is so dead and you guys just acted as if u dont care a bit ....releasing so much content and yet nothing to spice it up ????? not even to update the rewards to current content .....now that only lvl 45 can do it ...how is this game gonna survive in a pvp dominated market ..... you guys give dungeon event pouches and couldnt add at least 1 to an arena daily at least 1 time out of the week ... ive seen alot of my pvp friends left this game within a 1 month time span since recently ....ppl will leave game yes but who are the ppl leaving have you guys sit and disccus and analyze the problem. what can make this game better pvers give u most gold but if your not giving pvpers a reason to spend or stay what business are u running .... who know may be they will love pve content in time but turning out ppl becuase of lack of management is sad.. a new event is here..... its all about legendary jewels wow nice yet cant upgrade pvp gear ??? really ----_____---- not even to give another token that do so really why would i bat an eye lash at this event ??? arena load screen ppl been complaining since forever yet you guys dont fix even if korea hasnt fixed it .... do some coding thingies and fix it so ppl can enjoy the game .... fm can grab u before u load in and throw u on wall ...gunner can air u so much can go wrong in a 3 second 1 second window ...and the game isnt even optimized .... so i ask what is the purpose of this game >>>>> the bns that i know died a long time ago ..i think its time to try something else
  12. Oh and that guardian tempest needs to be resetable like idk y they make it that way maybe for BR idk..in BR thay would be too op with resets
  13. and be observant u fighting 4 wls u use spin Def melee u go deflect ...desto yet has parry and Def on spin but they lack mobility during iframes..bd has 3
  14. I play a bd as alt in arena and i got gold ...yea wind is strong but light is still cheesy . .only prob with bd is the I frames that can be burst down in second by a summ wl .. can't clense debuf only the male skill that goes in seconds makes it really annoying dealing with fm .. Focus regeneration is my biggest issue if u miss that kd focus skill u are dead idk if it recovers less because of whirling...but that's only prob .... fetal blade can critical 39k it's not hard to charge it cause it pierces Def so I could hit x back step aim and slice through or grab go to wall wall bang Hitt x v and get a stack ....ppl can tell u have yes but all they c an do is be careful get a roll tech chase off air c and fetal blade I cheese gold player with it all time ... not every class perfect ... way I wish is that some pvp weapon has effect to limit class from using a certain skill or contain it...like desto yet typhoon spam in BG spin for a whole min yea focus let them do this buy bds are not weak . Weakest classes now are wl gs ....
  15. Bd doesn't need another escape ..... bd has too much damage in a sort time to have 2esc considering u have to kd a bd just to stun it .... and a free stun when parry attacks and fetal blade on that ..... bd had a grab escape. ..bd needs nothing else bd is a strong pvp class since forever still is .... fetal blade air combo I mean yea fighting a bm is op but at the end of the day bd is a fast versatile class ..... with alot of tools alot of classes in game can't deal with bds o even cc a b so easily without tabbing and forcing a roll tech chase ..u ever use gs verses a bd cancer ....sin verses bd sf ...bd of all class as a decent time with every class match up than some classes ..because of speed and deflect.....bd can dish out a lot of damage within a 2 sec stun
  16. Literally any low gear gear person out there won't be able to upgrade accs worst if they have 2 characters as this game ec distribution within one day is lower than any mat.it's a strategy to get money and walk over f2p ppl
  17. Am not blind to these thing off they wanted to reduce cost they could change the gold needed ......or ... as they did with mats .
  18. Trick is make elysian crystal more demanding so ppl can trove it and buy more 10 elysian crystal bundle ....... Hand down the next rng chest will contain it or tokens will be able to buy it ... cause they know ppl will be upgrading necklaces and who never did tt will be upgrading new stuff I've seen this trick before
  19. Just because u can get an item from somewhere doesn't mean it's the most reliable place to get that item. If u are upgrading a piece of accs and u need 60 elysian crystals to buy jewel considering u don't have any then u need another 30 for breakthrough for a total of 90 is it possible to farm all that in 1 day ..let say u farm some chest it gonna need 3 times 90 chest to Come close to ur goal you completed daily grab the little ec u are sure of for the day u could spam all dungeon and end up with 300sc without knowing
  20. While your point is good . Pvp battle royal isn't hard just by going in and afk u ranking up or just hide ... even if u get 30 point u eligible for a week reward.an u dont have to worry about it for rest of week. 6v6 doesn't need skill or gear....one person can carry u its 2019 . Arena isn't hard either if u can spam a boss pve u can spam in arena yea u won't get get gold but u will get non pvpers too lik your self... Master Hong drop rate any good . This game is guilty for using 1 hour of your time for 2 single mats. .... Me spending 1hour pvp gets me 2 times the mat or even 3 times mat ...doing a dungeon run is like 15- 20 considering load screen I could get close to 50ss within that time and bound mats
  21. Before patch am sure I can farm sacred orb and ss from dungeon chest or pretty much anything ..... to make matters worst elysian prices are gonna go up-_-
  22. I opened some boxes I got from panda villge I opened 55 I got around 90 sacred crystals and not sure ss c 10 ec so say I would need 30 for an upgrade am looking at 150 boxes at least to get a decent Chance at my goal may be rng would be better in the next 100 boxes but fact is elysian crystals don't have a set chance to come from anything ....not count dailywekly boxes which gives more sacred and ss crystals . PvE ppl migt not have alot of ssc and Ms cry as pvp but if they do it they are sure of 1 crystal from a noob box or from a decentbox. PvE content doesn't u still getting a lot more sacred cry. And ss cry regardless . Badge cost 100 elysian crystals to fuse I have 2 accs at stage 6 that need a tun of jewels and breakt through mats now I have to worry about getting more elysian..... I mean wait until that patch drops and start eating away elysian those 1 elysian add up real fast
  23. Fact remains the same getting soul stone and sacred crystals is way too easy . It's like the ratio in pouches are like 50 percent ss c 40 percent sacred c and 10 for elysian ...... Plus if u at tt accs means u whale so can't debate on that one cause yall just face roll spend money But There's no easy way to get elysian crystals ......
  24. It a just backwards when I hey say they reduce all they had to do was reduce the gold to get ele and jewel not change it ...they know everyone can get ss and sacred orb easy,reason why they change ..... I see a lot of 10 elysian bundle in every rng box ... Slowly am quiting this game .... it's getting way too expensive if it wasn't pvp I wouldn't be here tbh ... And also no one in game would have elysian crystal that much if heart or Talisment eat them all up
  25. Huh nothing gives guaranteed just that sacred c and ss get higher chances..... u basically get sacred crystals for doing a dungeon quest. Hence the reason they changed it to elysian so it basically the same cost ....so now u have to go out your way to farm them let's say up upgrading 3 accs it looking at 60 elysian each depend on stage ..so I ask how we suppose to get it elysian they didn't reduce anything
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