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  1. all the restrictions and RNG and grind in the game is in place to prolong your time in game and make you login every day whether you enjoy the game or not it's to artificially lengthen the games life and boost player numbers and hour's played to make the game look like its doing good on paper for investors and shareholders but anyway yes for the topic at hand remove the daily cap on reputation points so players can catch up and get more Unity stone slots and better stats
  2. i suggest adding 50 gold for finishing your 5 daily challenges and 200 gold extra on the weekly challenge it will add up to 550 a week if your making 2800 gold a week it will be 3350 gold a week (( but most players don't make 2800 gold a week not all players do all dungeons in the game )) (( the weekly challenge will be something like finish 2 Quest you get 50 Gold finish 4 you get 75 gold finish 5 you get 100 gold and at 6 you will get 175 gold )) it will not solve the income problem because of the RNG upgrade that we still have in the game but it will help
  3. - first the game is PVE focus game with PVP elements in it that is why you need to do PVE if you do PVP and the majority of the players are PVE players that is why the events are PVE oriented events - there is a difference between boring and not being able to do an event - if you can read what i wrote i did not mention the removal of 6v6 or 1v1 or PVP from the game what i'm talking about is PVP events that the majority of the player base dont like or can't do PVP ( ping difference , FPS problems , gear difference, unbalanced classes ) that is why i wrote that it's pointless to force PVE player to do PVP events - i said nothing about limiting PVP time what i wrote is that this event needs to be open to all players , all the time but you can enter and stay in the event area and farm mobs for an hour a day with no PVP at all and if an event like this is to happen again then the rules in the event area needs to change for example 1: (( when you click on the event it give you a choice enter an area with PVP enabled or not )) EX 2 : or make it if you are in the event area and you kill a player you cant get loot from the mobs for 10 mins but you get something like pk points that you can exchange for loot but if you get killed you losse the points
  4. i think the event is good but it needs some improvements - first remove PVP from the event no one is doing PVP and PVP players that say we don't get PVP events are not fighting other PVP players the only player that are getting killed are non PVP players and no matter what NCwest does players will reject PVP events ( or the majority of players ) for many reasons ( ping difference , FPS problems , gear difference, unbalanced classes ) so it's pointless - make the event open all day but you are limited to one hour a day of farming then you are returned to the open server and cannot re enter until it resets the next day (( so you enter play and farm for an hour then your out to the open server if you exit or get disconnected before your time is up you will have to re partches the orb to re enter and continue where you left off )) all players will have a chance to get something out of this event
  5. yeah i'm having the same problem before the patch my FPS was ok 40 fps in most raids and 50 fps in dungeons but now the max i get is 10 fps and as soon as we start attacking the bosses in dungeons it goes down to 1-2 fps and i tried switching from 64 bit to 32 bit but it's the same i reinstalled the game and reinstalled my gpu drivers but its the same so i don't know what is going on hope we get a fix soon
  6. what we need from NC Soft is to make it so (( if the player that get agro is not in melee range to gets grabbed by the boss and get the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ beaten out of him and gets 5s daze and stop the boss from jumping all over the map )) that way it will stop stupid ranged players from hitting the boss before the tank does and gunslingers from using tab as soon as the tank walks to the boss ( tanks don't even have a chance to get agro )
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