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Posts posted by KzE

  1. 2 minutes ago, SViper said:
    • What you mean by (35)?
    • I see about size. So there is no more blue quests? What about daily quests?
    • I won't remake my character that I put a lot of work long time ago. I guess I will end up using gear from story quests now on with my old character.
    • Oh yes, I'm happy about that wardrobe become free to use.
    • Good to hear.

    Wii be 35 soon. Daily quests are still here, there are even weeklies. 99% of side quests got removed.

  2. 3 hours ago, SViper said:

    I'm returning player after some years and having some questions.

    • What is current max level and current max Hongmoon level?
    • Did game shrink down and lost some things? Asking, because some years ago we needed to download over 30 GB and now it was only 28,68 GB.
    • I still have accessories that are before Pirate or something like that as far as I remember, so should I still upgrade those or get new ones?
    • Is wardrobe still premium thing or it's now can be used for free?
    • Is still possible buy premium from a player in game?
    • Level 60 HM30 (35)
    • Old blue sidequests got removed, but got new dungeons, skills, raids,... so changed alot
    • Start from lvl1 character and use the gear what quest give you
    • Wardrobe is free
    • Yes


  3. 1 hour ago, Cyan said:

    I just want to say regardless of how many replies a post has it's going to be read by us here on the forums regardless. That being said, we asked the development team to lower the amount of Pearls needed for the Dark Hearts but they felt no adjustments were needed. Please continue to share feedback and we'll make sure it's forwarded up. 



    Easy solution : put 5 Dark Hearts into F10 every day for free.

  4. 8 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

    You need one char nothing more to get alot of gold. You just have to combine PVP and PVE and play booth but unfourtunetly most player are either to lazy to learn PVP or simply dont wanna and complain.

    Thats why you occupy the rankings with myriad of alts.

  5. 6 minutes ago, BrianB said:

    So the community is toxic, yes. So they decided to kill the game more by making it even harder for even game players ??????? Good luck defending them buddy 

    I dont defending them. Bad game desing is bad, even if players are toxic or not.

  6. 6 hours ago, EasleyRR said:

    Seems like u're from EU.

    I think here on NA u can find more teams that carry low gear/new players...

    Also, if u don't see many shouts of MSP 4-6 is be cause most parties have static members.. currently my pt has 9 static ppl that are always there every weekend.

    Yep, EU.

  7. 22 hours ago, EasleyRR said:

    There still have some PTs that help new/low geared players in MSP 4-6.

    The PT i farm every week, we always get 4-5 players randomly with any gear... friday for example, we took one warlock that didnt even had the 1st gen legendary acc and him farmed most TT soulshield there.

    The only thing we ask them is to play "web hole" while we do miniboss + dps turtle.

    But, there has some  new/low geared players that doesn't want to do the web, and ppl end up kicking them from pt or don't even accept them.

    It still very rare. Even the MSP 4-6 parties are rare. Only the same 4-5 ppl spamming the 1.8-2k parties over and over again.

  8. 1 hour ago, moveZneedle said:

    Perhaps. But the older players arent helping them regardless.

    Some do sure, but most dont, You dont need 5 players for a normal dungeon run either, u can easily carry 2 players if not 3 in most dungeons. Except the new ones.

    I wouldnt say this.


    There are BT carry, VT carry, TOO carry. Lower pleb raid carry. DST need some burst, but lower is easy LFP. BC can be carried either. The 3 upper still need some mechs and dps.

    The only place, where older players dont help is the MSP 4-6. And this is the part, what should be reworked the most, because TT is still a roadblock and MSP 4-6 is gated by players itself.

  9. 29 minutes ago, moveZneedle said:

    You make it sound as if its only NCsoft's fault.

    The community is toxic and selfish, they dont help new people , everyone looks to be efficient.

    So despite NCsofts efforts to kill a game[like they killed Aion] the community isnt doing better itself to help new players survive :)


    PS: Thanks for the transperacy on how some things work @Cyan

    Its still not players fault, that new ppl start with 3 year old outdated gear. Still not players fault, because you need 5 chars for a normal pace progression.

  10. 6 hours ago, Aryuk said:

    I m sure, but i don't know accurate numbers. I suggests this site: https://mmo-population.com/r/bladeandsoul/ so these are not exact numbers but i think this site approximately gives number players.


    This site looks reddit subscribers, so i dont think, its accurate at all. We have 2 servers. The optimal player count for a classic mmorpg server HW load wise is around 5-6k players, but can go up to 11-12k where you will see queue. There is no queue at all. So you can guess the numbers.

  11. 13 hours ago, TheRealElvis said:

    Highest chara just lv50 hm7.

    What's the game's health? How P2W the game became, is it even possible to realistically and plausibly progress anymore without ponying up and not get kicked out of dungeons?


    Please, be honest. Zealotry is easily smelled.

    Went down from 50+ servers to 2 (na+eu). 


    P2W is there. You can progress, but you start with old gear and it will be a very long road. And very boring. If you use LFP, you wont get kicked.

  12. 22 hours ago, Cor said:

    Anyone still thinking they actually care is deluding themselves, they didn't even reduce the cost with the new gems like they usually do. For them the fix is already there, your credit card.

    More close we are getting to KR version, more p2w the game will be. The current sale is like the sale in KR version.

  13. 15 hours ago, Bacote said:

    no one but my gold in f9, how can i enjoy the event... sad...
    can we buy it with gold instead? so we hard grinder can enjoy the event too

    You selling 1 gold for 1 hmcoin in f9. But the current rate is 3 gold for 1 ncoin. Thats why.

  14. 26 minutes ago, EasleyRR said:

    Why hard mode for raids? Not everyone can run TT, ET... Imagine if these raids got "buffed"...

    And after the arrival of new raid, everyone will complain, because 5-6m dps will be needed.


    Buffing pleb raids have 0 sense, they are pleb raids for a reason. Buffing BT and VT have 0 sense too, they are only for the gold. TT and ET still hard.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Lelousch said:

    Do we can boost ur old lvl 30-40 characters to 60 ? and after boosting to 60 we still can play the story?

    You create a lvl60 character with the voucher. And no, you only do the last story chapter after boost.

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