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  1. Nobody has mentioned on which server they play on. I play on NA and EU with chars over 2200AP on both. What I've noticed is that on NA nobody just LFP on F8. People seem to wait in the lobby for somebody to post a dungeon in F8 and then there's (sometimes) a quick surge of people to join the dungeon. On EU on the other hand, people do indeed still just LFP up to CC and it fills relatively quickly if the dungeon is on the daily challenge. For that reasons, I prefer to progress my chars on the EU server now. The truth is, the population of BnS is dwindling. If BnS Buddy is to go by, I only ever see a population of between 600 - 800 now. And that's at different times over a 16 hour period. For those that says newbies should create their own parties to run dungeons, they're probably unlikely to since they don't know it well enough to lead it. Remember back in the day when you could just LFP in F8 if you had the minimum weapon requirement for the dungeon and/or reached the story requirement to run them? If we could bring this back and players could just LFP the dungeon, it would certainly help the newer players. For those that say new players don't ask how to run a dungeon to learn the mechs, I've seen people ask at the first boss and instantly other players just leave the party. It's no wonder then that people stay silent and hope for the best.
  2. Just wondering why we can't get the same reward system in Koldrak's lair implemented in other dungeons. Highest tiered DPSers get more gold/XP. This will mean higher geared players will want to party with the lower geared. They get something out of it instead of always searching for highest geared players and banding together. If there are several high DPSers, they will then compete for top spot/rewards so the dungeon run can still be as fast. For AFK people who do no damage, they get their quest done but they don't get any dynamic rewards. Something like a chest with: 1st - 100k XP &10 gold 2nd - 75k XP & 8 gold 3rd - 50k XP & 6 gold 4th - 25k XP & 4 gold 5th & 6th - 15k XP & 3 gold No dmg - No rewards Higher levels will more than likely do higher damage and will benefit from the extra XP. Or it could be more of an incentive to gear up, to do more damage, more XP and level faster. Lower level/geared get to run dungeons they normally get kicked from. Less leechers also. Once saw a GC geared player doing less than 100k in Naryu Sanctum!
  3. With the victory tokens being antiqued, will we get our gold back? Been paying 5 gold a piece from the Merchant of Wonder. Got some 30+ on one char and less on others. Obviously not enough to get the badge now before the 18th. Would be nice to know that all that gold I spent hasn't been wasted.
  4. Well it still can take multiple attempts just to log into the game. Error below. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: NCLauncher2.exe Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: 5c9b0e2b Problem Signature 04: protobuf-net Problem Signature 05: Problem Signature 06: 5249344c Problem Signature 07: 2a0 Problem Signature 08: f8 Problem Signature 09: System.IO.EndOfStreamException OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2057 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  5. I had a thought this may happen but for somebody to use it is low. Since CS no longer provide event currency, I actively avoid the 'MOML both bosses' recruitment. Since I just need it for the daily then I just PUG it.
  6. Since installing the new launcher, it seems to be hit and miss on whether the launcher will crash or not. I've already tried permitting it explicitly through the firewall. Sometimes it crashes before it gets to the account selection screen. Sometimes it crashes after entering the password. Sometimes it crashes after clicking on 'Start Game'. I'm running Win7 and the 64 bit client. It can take 4 or 5 attempts just to get the game to run. This is really starting to deter me from even logging in! No issues with the previous launcher.
  7. Just logged in to say I'm getting the same issue. Google brought me to this post. On the same machine I play fine on the EU server but seem to get this 9/10 of the time on the NA server. It's gotten to the point I have to AFK and that gives me the 1/10 of the time I won't get this error. However it's gotten to the point even if I stay up top I still have this problem.
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