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Posts posted by Xzard

  1. I got a solution for you:

    -Don't do that quest if you don't like it.

    Easy. There is plenty of other options now.

    As I see Moon Refuge quest, is meant for players to get 4 boxes from the spamable quest, and trade those 4 boxes for the better boxes along with the dust from the quest. Its some XP and gold, but rng.

  2. Probably they will never drop, same as the costumes, I havent seen one yet.

    Unity system is the most trash thing right now, rng wall, or paywall. You can farm CS/HM every day for a month and get zero progress with your stones, it's depressing. It got a tiny bit better with last patch, since 8 purples can easily make a legendary, but they didnt apply this to blues, yesterday I fused 7 blues 4 times, got zero purples, thanks, great, best system ever. 

    I still don't know how they though this was a good idea, it's the most p2w !@!$!% system atm. You can't even make progress.
    But some way, they keep going, now in KR with ancient unity stones, the stones are OP, the bonuses are OP, exclusive for whales.

    • Like 1
  3. Big brain there, gold sellers getting hmcoins? for what? trove? or maybe they like to buy outfits to look nice of course, getting more clients with sexy bikinis. 

    Please ffs investigate what are you talking about before spreading misinformation, F9 is players selling gold to get HMcoins. But the gold is so devaluated that we finally are 1:1 ratio, What NCsoft can do? reduce gold injection into the game, add more money sinks, aka gold nerfs, but people with no idea how economy works, can only complain.

  4. I do believe that adjusting old content is a great way to revive this game, I don't know why developers just throw away all the previous effort and let old content die, why not adjust HP and other stats, adjust the drop table to something good and revive old content, similar to Poharan event. I think this is minimun effort compared to create more and more dungeons.

    • Like 2
  5. I believe that what they should do is reduce the bosses HP significantly, like they said on the patch notes, the dungeons are not hard at all please, but we could do them a lot faster which is what they promised on the stream.

    Why do people want brain dead content? All the complains you listed about the dungeons are easily avoidable, if you know what to do. But I do agree this change was stupid, no reason to have done it, they understimated this community stupidity, most just want a dummy for boss instead of a real fight.

  6. How is this a scam?? Where does it say that bracelet or pet gems actually dropped from the dungeon??

    But I do think that is very bad that only trove people can have access to resets. Please put the resets on F10 so anyone can get them with NCoin or HMcoin. Without resets it would take too long for people to get what they need.

  7. Dungeons are still easy. Near impossible? What are you talking about??? But they should have reduced the HP for easy mode, I hope they will.
    MSP was fixed.
    U dont need to do 8/8 at all, is stupid to worry about it.
    Gold nerf it's always a thing... But they could have reduced the cost of basic gear.

    I hope removing orb shards was a mistake, it wasnt even mentioned on patch notes, this is making the orbs more expensive each day.

    • Like 2
  8. Finally someone who can give feedback without crying. 
    Once they fix the "easy" mode, hopefully, then will be easier to do DC, but yeah, I don't get why remove solo dungeons.
    And I see so much people complaining about hard mode in DC, but it 8/8 just gives you 3 golden fragments, just an extra for ppl who do everything, if you cant do hard mode then you dont even need to worry about it.

  9. Example: Soulshields.
    Their status change depending on the spec you are playing.

    Why can't this be applied to all items?... Raid Jewerly, Mystic Badge

    Right now is easier than ever to change specs yes, but it should be even easier, how about this:  press K, choose the spec, done.
    The only exception is soul badges, probably.

    The problem right now is we are starting to get new items, and we will get new items that wont be able to change, example ET Badge I think.

    I believe the game should just let you play whatever spec you want at the moment, opening more options for player to enjoy the game is always good.

    • Like 1
  10. I completely agree with you @NekoNoKishi, you can be the most crazy farmer in the entire game, and you will have no chance to progress in unity stones compared to someone who spends tons of money.
    This system may work in KR, but on this server people hate RNG walls, and this is the main problem for me, is RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG, you can save 1 month of feathers and boxes and may end with nothing and this feeling of zero progress after X amount of time invested is what makes this the worst system so far.
    They must remove the RNG on this, one solution for this is just buy purple/leg box directly on CS NPC, for example 50 feathers = purple box, 500 feathers = 1 leg box, and even then it will take a lot of time, but you will be able to MAKE PROGRESS.

  11. 7 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    Also thats 21 minutes of basically...nothing....and also quite a bit of what you are saying is not entirely correct....

    Exactly what he describes in the video as bad community, he is just expressing his opinion about the game and yet you come and say that he did 21 mins of nothing.


    10 hours ago, Wataru said:

    Look for roles in F8? What if a BD or whatever wants to tank?

    You clearly did not understand :V , the point is to have an option to let only the classes you want to enter. 

    Good video, you have a lot of valid points, hopefully the game gets better.

  12. We should have an option to buy purple boxes with white feathers. I don't understand why this system was implemented as RNG anyways, almost nothing in the game is, all the gear can be grinded with enough time, but making people grind feathers for days just to lose them all is frustrating. 

    At least we should have easier access to purple stones for now, and hopefully legendary stones later.

    Please don't make this system so unfriendly to F2P players, since now only mega whales can have all legendary set while the rest of the people have not even a full purple set.

    Being block by an RNG wall is the most frustrating thing, is Ok if is it takes effort, but effort + luck is not something well received on this server.

    • Like 1
  13. Would be nice to have a new diffculty(or just update hard mode) for all dungeons/raids, in which they keep the bosses HP updated with every patch according to actual gear, like they did to CS and HM. This difficulty would have differents quests maybe? with updated gold according to the time you invest on them?

    -Would keep a lot of content alive.
    -Chance to get achievement drops that are just a waste of time to get now(outfits, etc)

    Bringing back mechs like crossing on BT and other dungeons, but of course would need updated drops to make players want to do them.
    They practically did this with Poharan, MSP, TOI  and now with Tomb of Exiles/DT.

    They can even do some kind of rotation, doing this for 3 or more dungeoins each month,

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