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Posts posted by KlausFlouride

  1. Il y a 12 heures, MCWang a dit :

    as many people have pointed out already, the "easy mode" that was introduced last week is nowhere in line with the gold/reward decrease.  if I'm receiving (about) half the gold I previously got for completing a dungeon, then I'm expecting to be able to kill everything in roughly half the time.  as far as there being no more wipe mechanics, I'm pretty sure most of the player base didn't constantly try to get into dungeons where they would wipe anyways, so it's a non-factor.  I don't see how NC has any sort of argument to why this would not be the case.  either up the rewards back or nerf everything further so I can solo ST.


    Il y a 12 heures, MCWang a dit :

    and this is directly more directly at Cyan.  I understand these types of decisions are made as a company and it's not just you doing whatever you want, but if you are to be the voice towards the community who funds your paycheck, at least have the decency to not put out a lame post/solution like that where it obviously does not address even the specific issue here; you guys would've literally been better not posting that. please have some respect for our intelligence.  

    Literally nobody asked them to do this and its very clear the intent was to screw over the entire player base and people that are new. I suspected they did this on purpose and this validates that. The nerfed rewards I get, you wanted people to spend more on Trove and RNG scam boxes, however you didn't need to tinker with dungeons in anyway.

  2. 1 hour ago, Viblo said:

    I don't mean to question your methods, but while there's a raging community sparking hatred toward both your game and your company, shouldn't you be addressing the issues from the Storm of Arrows update as much as possible rather than pathetically changing someone's post title? When Bethany Stout left the NCWEST team, she afterwards mentioned on her Twitch that the Blade & Soul community was one of the most toxic communities she had encountered -- and maybe that's entirely the fault of you CMs. Maybe you should post a public apology regarding all the issues we've had and try to get on people's best side? Some of the most influencial content creators for this game posted rants in both text and video form regarding how bad the game is, and this is what you focus on? Stop wasting time on pointless ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ like someone mentioning your company in a post.


    I can't help but giggle at how incompetent you all seem.

    Their apology tour has been running for over 3 years, so why bother?

  3. Please use search, there are dozens of topics on this already and the response is the same; they can't fix it. Also, anyone thinking the UE4 update won't be a disaster only needs to look at the mess that was installed this week.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    You honestly did not expect to get the same gold reward for having a braindedn 0 mech spam in a dungeon daily now?


    As for the other drops:

    The vials / packs from BC / WC were abysmal to begin with, removing them wont change anything, as for baylee, was about time for it to be changed, since the content is outdated.

    They left no other way for lower geared players to earn gold to upgrade their gear so they could do the HM dungeons. The amount of white-knighting in this thread is despicable.

    • Like 1
  5. 58 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    Not to deny you having issues, but i have not had the issue at all in any of the raids o.o

    Then you must be special since that has been in ET since day 1. Every time it happens I hear, 'my game froze, by our entire raid. The freezing in TT and ET has been there for a very long time, so consider that something that can't be fixed. TT didn't always have that freezing so that is something they introduced to the game that broke the zone, ET on the other hand has always had freezing. It isn't always triggered by something that's happening, meaning there's no constancy to it in ET, TT it isn't as bad as it was or I am used to it by now. The freezing in ET is anywhere from 2-10s each time and it has wiped our raid many times including this pasted week. Again it, like the combat bug, is more broken things they can't fix. FYI don't expect UE4 to magically fix this stuff.

  6. 28 minutes ago, Arohk said:

    The amount of moon shards you need for these costumes is also beyond ridiculous,

    the full Moon dance set requires 120 shards and you get like 1,5 on average for salvaging one from the costume box.

    Thats ~80 boxes or 8000 Ncoin. = 100€

    Why do you act like this is a surprise? Since this game has launched that is only the 3rd outfit they did like that, Grand Phoenix and Rosethorn being the other two.

  7. 7 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    From what i remember the hidden boss was never a thing at our version.


    It depends what you call "over the top", i mean if you look at the nerfs they did to dungeons and raids, you have to ask yourself if those really were over the top mechanics.

    for example BC 1st boss where you had to dash in / backstep to rescue people (was easy as hell but guess what, seems players dont know how to backstep / dash and it gets nerfed)


    Realmrift POH - Perfect example of the lever at last boss, seems people didnt really care to learn to pull it in the right moment and boom, nerfed to a point you can ignore all kinds of mechanics in there and just button mash dps.


    MSP - Allowing Webs to snare the turtle - given it may help some parties but....it wasnt that hard to begin with if you had a smart tank and people that know what they are doing.


    These are just a few, but there are many many more examples like this. Instead of promoting and encouraging to learning dungeons and mechanics, they prefer to nerf it so people stop complaining.

    My take on all of the mechs there have ever been, or will, be is it comes down to waiting on the last person to finally 'get it' and then you win.

  8. Say what you want, the fact is there's way less people playing than just a month ago. I play the same times everyday and getting a full 6 party is becoming more and more of a hassle, its even worse if you want to run something that isn't part of this event. This past weekend was the most MSP's I have seen in weeks. Remember when HM MOML parties would fill in 2-3s? Ya, not now.

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