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Posts posted by Hanuku

  1. I actually managed to read, more or less... FIRST, tip, divide your thoughts into paragraphs. Helps people read better. Anyway. I do agree on the part about people complaining too much. But they complain for a reason. Sure, there are some special flakes out there who want everything handed to them, and only to them. And they are usually very noisy about it. That's the so called "vocal minority". Meaning, there are more people playing this game than those posting here. Those either post their rants elsewhere (reddit), or don't really have rants worthy of their time to post about.


    I can't say the game is fine right now. Much less population than before. The whole MMO genre is failing hard in the West, while still thriving in the East. There are two main reasons for this. First, what the people of the East likes is not the same as what Westerners like. And MMOs in general are more suited to Easterners from the start. Actually, MMOs usually have to be edited, sometimes heavily, to "Westernize" them. And the few Western made MMOs have vastly different experiences to what is made in the East. Western players prefer more pvp and things based more on player skill with fast rewards and gratification (bragging rights), while Eastern players like a mix of pvp with pve and lengthy grinds.


    Second. Corporate greed has placed their evil hand on the gaming industry harder than ever before, forcing out incomplete games and making players pay afterwards through DLC and micro transactions with the goal of producing an exponential amount of money from each single title. Americans were taught in the 80's by the so called economic experts that "Greed is good" for the whole capitalism process to expand. And they used that exact term to explain it. Anyway, MMOs are not the exception to this. And companies are doing what they can to skim through the laws while trying to milk their games for the last cents. The results are less than stellar and players are often left with a reduced experience and a sour feeling in the end.


    So really, I understand why so many are unhappy with this and all the other games. Even new games like Krutzpel (or whatever is called) gained quite a bunch of negative reviews on launch, all because what the end user experience turned out to be.

  2. 2 minutes ago, SkFy said:

    If the skill would actually require the right stance like the skill description says this wouldn't work..
    So there must be a problem with that because it does work


    And yes I read the forum, it does what I explained a few times now..
    Switch an ice bar skill to fire bar... making it so you don't have to switch bar to use all 3 ice aoe's u need to wallbang

    So with your findings, do you think it's worth reporting it directly to Support as the moderator told you before? Or are you leaving it here in this thread and hope for either someone else reporting it, or for staff to work on it based solely on this thread? In some cases, one has to work a bit more towards a goal. In cases like this, just making a thread won't prompt those addressed to solve the issue, so it may require a bit more from us to complete it. That's why I was advising you go the Support route. because staff won't work from a forum thread. They work from tickets.

  3. Just now, SkFy said:

    sadly im too laggy to record while pvping lately so yea..

    Didn't you say there was a thread about it in their forum? You could see what's it about and see if it in fact does require a report in the first place. Maybe ask there if others have used it and how it works. The key here is to see if it's really a reportable offense, or a bug in their program that needs emergency patching.

  4. 7 minutes ago, SkFy said:

    It's more of a bug that can be used to cheat..



    An exploitable bug which can be used as a cheat is as damaging as an intentional cheat. All that is needed to do the damage is people willing to cheat. So yeah, I still believe if you have solid proof, reports should be added. This will help us who don't use the program, and those who do use it. Because it ensures that at least in fairness, everyone will be on the same page.

  5. 34 minutes ago, Sherry Kaizer said:

    Take a look at the last event if you say that if you fighting AI and not pvp it is pay for convenience and not p2w.
    Also there are plenty soloable dungeons where you cant kill them if you dont have good gear. (I had decent gear i could run most of the things in this game, but now i am speaking as a normal player).

    You said that Warframe is having microtransactions.
    I've played Warframe and it is 100% free to play, you pay nothing to be stronger.
    Every single thing is obtainable from playing a mission / killing a boss / doing a quest / or buying with platinum.
    Doing sorties / selling syndicate mods / selling relics / prime parts-sets / selling primed mods, to earn platinum and buy what ever you like from cosmetics to weapons-arcanes-rivens.
    You want to reroll your rivens and sell them for higher price?
    Then go and farm Kuva.
    There are so many ways to make money in Warframe and the game is absolut free to play.
    I was OP  there without even spenting a single euro.
    You cannot compare this game which is full p2w (you need about 100.000 Gold just to reach max stage to your soul, thats just one part from your gear and if you make about 200 gold per day make the calculation how many days you have to play it to reach max stage of just one item).

    Yes i agree that the pvp in BnS is pure thrash because some classes like KFM and assasin are stupid overpowered.
    Also if you get aerial CC'ed you cant even press TAB escape.

    I used to play Aion in the past from the same company (turned p2w and i quited) the pvp there had its faults too but there was a good balance.
    You could play spiritmaster have curses/silences and many other CC's and kill almost every class in the game (talking about same gear people) but you couldnt kill a ranger.
    From the other hand Ranger couldnt kill the tank.
    Tank couldnt kill the mage.
    And goes like this.
    Here in BnS every class beats everyone if you have max soul which is 100% p2w.
    You just have to press 1 click and you kill the opponent thats the true definition of p2w.

    You cant compare an MMORPG game with a first person shooter or battle royale game.
    Thats just stupid.


    The way I believe this game is p2w is not because things are unobtainable through f2p farming, but because of the time to obtain them. See, in MMO culture, when a patch and new content is released, people are given two options to get the new gear. Either pay for it, or grind it. A fair amount of time is usually given in between patches for people to be able to comfortably grind this gear, so they can catch up with those who paid for it. The problem with some games, like what people claim about BnS here, is that the time given may not be enough to get all the gear at a comfortable pace, or the requirements to get that gear are way too steep, which means that only those who paid or those who no-life'd a massive grind will be ready for the next content. The rest are left lagging a bit behind.

  6. IF there is a cheat and a cheater, you should report it through Support. Not through a forum thread. I don't use BNS buddy and I dn't think I will. The whole having to log in through their front end instead of trough the official launcher gives me the shivers... But that's topic for another conversation.

  7. 4 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

    Many new players to Blade & Soul who run into the issue of facing RNG vs. getting their class-appropriate item instantly might not know about farming for these keys from Radiant Ring, and if they find this in the store, they could make the purchase, which is a huge mistake, which should be prevented by lowering the price of these keys in the store to maybe around 200-400 NCOIN at least.

    This is the point I'm also making. At that price and with the in game availability, this item shoulnd't even be in the store. As a company, you don't want angry players calling you a scammer. And even though this is not a 100% scam, angry people will label it however they feel at the moment.


    4 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

    Games didn't start out with multiplayer from the beginning, and there are plenty of games out there that are singleplayer and better than a few multiplayer games to date. However, it is what it is.

    While not multi player in the sense of more than two players, the very first widely distributed video games were in fact pvp games like "Spacewar!" and the first versions of "Pong" with no single player modes. Single playing of the era was handled by the classic Pinball machine, which was a game, just without video. So indeed pvp has been in gaming since it's first days. Some companies just don't give it the care it needs.

  8. I'd support this too. Now, I'm not having much trouble finding a good spot to farm. But if we get at least 2 more channels, more people will be able to farm their favorite spot (like those farming spiders). I don't think we need as many channels as Basin, though.


    Then again, a single character shouldn't need to farm this place for very long. The merchant grows outdated quickly, and afterwards serves only to sell lower tier materials. Unless you are trying something crazy like trying to get a full aransu soul shield from here...

  9. I don't know if there was a ninja update to this, but when trying to remake the weapons on my alts, I can no longer get to 8 slots. They all stop at 7 either through upgrading or through playing the 5 naryu silver "lottery". Before, I could get 8 slots rather easily. But now, here I burned about 200 naryu silvers and most I got was 7 slots once in a blue moon.


    So +1 to cheaper hammers. :)

  10. 2 hours ago, RavTH said:

    not sure if everyone knows this or if bns devs knows this but XIGNCODE3 is a dropped project and no they no longer update it, the reaosn why bns has it cause it's cheap and worthless... mostly android games use it but pc platform mmos it's just another grave digger.

    This is a serious problem because a non updated security software can mean very bad things in the long run for the software it's supposed to secure...

  11. Seen many threads from you, and I wonder if you are extracting any entertainment from this game at all. Liking a game and having fun with it are two different things. For example, I really like Tera, but the way that game (and the publisher managing it) changed was simply too much for me to get any entertainment out of it, so I decided to quit it for good. Maybe it's time you ask yourself that question. Are you burning out? Are you still having fun despite all the problems? Or is it maybe time to either take a vacation or a longer more permanent leave?


    Do note that I'm not telling you to quit the game, but things change and people also change. Maybe what was something you enjoyed before has changed in a way that feels more like a chore, or has become annoying. Maybe you yourself changed and what you liked before you don't like it that much now. I've been in that spot too many times to not notice it when it happens. The problem is when we don't recognize the problem and stick to the game as a sort of obligation, or out of daily routine. The burn can become so bad that something that would have required simply a new look or just a small vacation, becomes something you don't want to ever see again.

  12. 6 hours ago, Sarunghakan said:

    1-Solo instances of Celestial Basin, or shorter timers for bosses. (post your alternatives, solutions here)

    2-01:00am dailies reset time

    3-Salvageable quickgrip gloves, because new patch came out, grinded for 200 and bought some hellion cores, meaninglessly. 

    4-DC'd, logged back in and it says "my account is still logged in", I don't know there's a problem there, but any solutions? Alternatives?

    5-XIGN app fix. As soon as a crash happens, why is this app still lingering on?

    6-Unnecessary damage-sponged bosses. What is previously a lovely, soloable dungeon (you all know that), was lengthened to a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤-poor tactic.

    7-HM 16's and below (especially 13's) get a buff damage in higher dungeons. Or are simply unaccepted at all.

    8-red windwalking markers to transport said left-behind player when lag instance?


    1. I agree that we could use a small buff to peaches earned, and that the peach vendor should update it's offerings. But the updates here should be minimal since this is mostly an area for people just starting out, if I understand it correctly. I don't think it's really meant to support the needs of an HM 21 with TT gear. Basin already has several solo-soloable instances. Maybe rework them into dailies that grant a set amount of peaches when completed, just like how regular dungeons reward boxes and consumables.


    2. Some may have problem with the current reset hour, but that's sadly how it is. Change it to another hour and another group will have problems.


    3. Not gonna comment on that because I didn't deal with this item.


    4. Xigncode lingers for more than a minute after closing your game. I have no idea why it does this nor why the devs left it as is.


    5. Same as above.


    6. I have no problems with the updates to HM and CS. I DO have problems with what they did with the old orbs.


    7. If you divide the dungeons in star tiers as the daily challenge does, you should be able to identify at what gear and player experience level a character can enter this or that dungeon. HM13's with starter gear should be able to do up to Ebondrake Lair with only some minor updates to their gear (complete raven shield, bracelet and mystic badge from blue quests and refuge). These dungeons require only basic knowledge of your class and how to maintain some dps. You shouldn't be trying to get a lower geared player into a higher tier dungeon anyway unless the rest of the party accepts it because it hampers their dps. As for what to buff. If you do your dailies, you get friendship charms that buff some stats when used. You can also get lucky dumplings for extra stats from any crafting guild (guild supplies), or get an alto into the Acquired Taste guild and make the much better spicy dumplings.


    8. I already wish for infinite windwalking everywhere in this game. More ready to use windstride points inside dungeons could be a blessing too, so people entering late could jump into last unlocked area to join the others instead of having to run from the door. These could also be shown on the map.


    9 "etc" we need more actual bug and optimization fixes.


    In general, yeah, this game could have a few more QoL things. Some easier to implement than others. And some more agreed upon by players than others.

  13. 8 hours ago, RavTH said:

    170k-200k is enough the mini boss don't have enrage timer(if I remember right) all you need to do is F+SS when she pulls and if she is shooting the hearts you either use your own projectile protection or any iframing skill that all classes are desinged to have or you go up close to the boss and press Q/E with correct time. I don't know what's the gear that story provides you right now but it should be decent enough to do least 70k dps it's a small number but that number used to be something.

    And that's the reason why I made this thread instead of a rant/complain one. I don't want these instances to be nerfed before they end their current usefulness because the game is hurt the more nerfs are added. Instead, what I feel we need is better understanding from the starting players and for them to know that in some cases it's all about learning this or that mechanic, or knowing where to go to upgrade their character quicker to be able to burst it down. But the most important part is mechs. The earlier our players learn that mechs exist, the better they perform at higher tiers.


    What I hoped is that when people do an online search after wiping the first time to this or any other boss, they could find threads like these, without rants or ill words towards the game creators, and instead having the direct help they may need. As I said in another thread, though, this game updates perhaps too quickly, making content obsolete in a few months. Next week we will be getting yet another content update and higher tiers of certain things. Before long, this dungeon will be tossed in the forgotten pile that some players will have to solo (like me doing ebon citadel even though I'm so bad at this), so we will be needing some people to also update on the game knowledge part out here. So I also hope my move prompts others to do the same, instead of just filling the forum with cries of "p2w" or "broken mechs".


    Learning is more fun than complaining, after all.


    As for what gear people get from story. If you do just plain story, you get the sacred longui soul shield, a maxed or near maxed baleful/seraph weapon, solak accessories, some square gems and very low tier pet and soul. Doing temple of succession gives 5 pieces of raven soul shield, talisman, hexa gems, and riftwalk/dawnforge weapon stage 3. I may be forgetting a few items but that's more or less what you get. IF a player then checks their quest letters and finds the other blue quests like know thy enemy and the dead refuse to die, (or is directed to, since the game itself does not really point you specifically to those quests) then they will get a mystic badge, the last 3 pieces of raven SS and a divine/tiger bracelet. This gear set gives decent crit, but nearly no mystic stat nor any other bonuses, so it's as plain as it can get.

  14. Questions. Did the game start faster before? Did you add a new anti virus that is not windows defender/security essentials? Is your computer loaded to the brim with start up programs? is the game on a slow 5400 rpm HDD? A faster 7200/10000 rpm drive? Or in a solid state drive?


    All of those and some more can slow down game start up and overall performance. It's important to make it easy for the PC to handle the game. More when this gave has bad optimization issues.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Kitsune Takahashi said:

    Besides, all of my jewels were free.

    Mine weren't, and that makes a huge difference when resources are limited. :/ Though I agree on the part about maxing something if you are going to use it for a very long time.


    Anyway. I believe this discussion has gone beyond what's needed of newbies to do, and is now flying into the realm of personal preferences, which aren't bad on either side. Just how some people play compared to others.

    • Like 1
  16. On 5/6/2019 at 11:56 AM, RavTH said:

    how do people still wipe to that when everyone does all together least 600k dps ._. which is enough to burst it

    Based on my own experience forming my characters recently, a fresh out of story character controlled by a newbie who lacks knowledge on how to up and maintain DPS, can do somewhere between 30 and 70 K depending on class complexity and how quick they mash buttons. Add 6 of those to a party and you won't even get 400K combined dps. Add on top of that, they come to the dungeon expecting brain dead fights akin to pretty much every other current 6 man one star dungeon, and that's a fair recipe for disaster. As I said, I've seen it way too many times.


    While I'm slowly getting better, I'm not yet at the point where I can solo it. The thing only has like 24M HP. If I could, I would, and eventually I will get to that state. Here's hoping memorizing things can be of use, since my reaction times are utter garbage. :)

    5 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    Well in a party i been in on one of my noobie chars, for example the BM didnt use hm block, or the fm didnt use his bubble......so yeah......

    Many of these players are just starting to learn their characters. Thank the utter easy story part of the game that gives absolutely no challenge to force players to learn. I hardly ever see FM bubbles in any of these runs, as they are one star dungeons. Meaning, for players just starting out with end game. Most of the people who know how to handle their characters are already way past these, so those you see doing them are just there for a quick challenge dungeon mark for the daily. The rest will most likely ask you "What's HM block, sir?"


    As I said before, each of these dungeons should have had one or two fights that stressed the need for people to learn and practice mechs and how to use defensive skills. Nerfing them made them more accessible, and that's alright. But when the nerf makes it so players get used to brain dead content, I think we may have a problem when those players decide to go up. Then again, not many get stopped by a hard reality check when going from one star challenges to the two or three star ones. At least the game seems to still be working this way without blowing up.


    7 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

    This is a repeat of the thread linked here.

    Nope, it's not. that was a rant thread. This one is trying to help those who are having trouble, myself included. :)

    • Like 1
  17. 17 hours ago, Lyn Thunderfox said:

    They are more or less "free" for 100 Hellion cores anyway, I'm not saying to not pick them but upgrading them is a waste of materials. The power you gain overall with those isn't worth all the jewels you'll spent.

    You might say that then it's the case with every other accessories, problem being the increases and bonus of other accs are far better than what King gloves offers. 

    As I said, the gloves are the last item that gives a meaningful power increase. Waiting for Skyreach gloves is a better option especially when the amount of jewels you'll use to max them will be more or less the same as with King gloves anyway.


    To be fair if the jewels consumption would differs between high tier accs and "low" tier ones, that could change my judgement on those but seeing every accs usually takes the same amount of those to go through the stages, then yeah it's better off waiting for the best accs to upgrade instead of wasting time to upgrade accs that you'll drop in a matter of a month or two :v


    One can argue about raid accs since unrefined Celestial acc -> Celestial acc s1 is a whooping 500g + 4 Premium TS + 500 moonstone - elysian crystals, which might make it more expensive or tedious than getting the jewels.

    Yeah, I agree on the upgrade part. The second other reason why I picked king glove for now was for the set bonuses. 4 and 5 give a total of 200 mystic, which is a decent side bonus to have. With the current gear as I have it, those set bonuses are a blessing, and I don't have to waste on a ring that I didn't want for it. I left ring for last because after reading what each piece does, Destiny ring isn't too shabby on itself. And the ring I really want is Myth. But getting it is still a bit beyond my gear and capabilities. Soon I say...

  18. I don't have a Destro anymore, but from what I hear on the current content, it is a very competent pve damage dealer. But then again with enough gear, all classes can make pve trivial. As for survivavility, it's up to you learning mechs in the later dungeons, since up there HP has no meaning thanks to one-shot stuff. For anything else that doesn't outright one shot you, destro has plenty of survival with high hp, shields and defense abilities like spin2win.


    And as for cool factor, very few things can match smacking someone's face on your axe...

  19. 1 hour ago, Lyn Thunderfox said:

    There was a video on YT about comparing Awakened SSM gloves to the King Gloves, maxed to stage 10. Both parses had the same clear time. (Force Master)


    It's not about being wrong, but new players might wanna keep the most materials/money possible because they're going to hit a wall pretty fast at this rate if they start to upgrade items that doesn't really matter anymore nor grant a meaningful boost in their performance.

    Gloves are also the item that gives the less power in terms of upgrading. People should upgrade other accessories before, Gloves being like the last item (before belt ofc).

    I personally bought the king glove just to replace the hollow one, set it to at least stage 3 and then kept on upgrading the other stuff. Right now I'm missing ring because I don't want the cheap one from refuge. I want the one they have for a bunch of buds.

  20. I have most of mine on my BD turned off. The only one I have on is the one that forces the enemy down again. Though that's because there's also a limit on how many skills one can disable. I'll have to check on my other characters, but at least I agree with OP on most boss situations. More important when there's a low dps party on a tight enrage timer...

  21. 3 hours ago, Granger said:

    These projectiles can be iframed... And she'll always fire one each at the 3-4 top dps, regardless of the tank being in meele. All you need to do here is avoiding the aoe and iframing the projectiles, quite frankly im not sure why people would struggle with this. (lag making it near impossible to avoid the aoe being a exception)

    One issue I was having my first times in there was visibility. Even at lowest effect settings this game gets pretty chaotic, mostly if playing a class like WL. Since for this boss one doesn't really need to see where your partners are, if you need to have better visibility, hiding other players can come handy here.

  22. The level 60 voucher will give you some gear to start as a fresh 60. But I advise you to play the game story at least on one character. Use Premium instead of a voucher if you want to spend some money and have some benefits along the way. Once you do all yellow story quests, do the orange quests you will find in your quest letters tab. The most important of the orange quests to do is named "Temple of succession". Lastly, there are a few blue quests that I feel you should also do. They are called "The dead refuse to die" and "Know thy enemy" parts 1 and 2. You will get those as you reach level 60 as well.


    Unlike the old game, you don't have to upgrade gear in the story anymore. You will be given level appropriate gear as you complete it. Gear upgrading is now part of end game only. Just make sure to not part with your Lucent accessories. You will need them later.

  23. 3 hours ago, Kaelia said:

    I don't know why, she is one of my favorite sub-boss... I never know if I will start dancing to death :sick:

    While I don't have it on my like list, the reason I decided to search for info and post a crummy mini guide (instead of whining about it) was because I really don't want it nerfed. As a more mechanically difficult encounter than most other dungeons on the 1 star list, this makes good training for what's to come above. In fact, I feel all 1 star dungeons should have bosses like this to prepare players for harder stuff. Monkey comes close, but his current kill ratio is very low.

  24. It's a newbie trap indeed. I'd be happy if they toss the weapon and a decent cost reduction my way. I mean, raven is already third tier from top to bottom. While it's cool to walk the path others walked (looks fair on paper too), the weapon is not used for current top tier content anymore. Then again, I was never a fan of dividing the pve paths into dungeon and raid. But that's just me and my view...

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