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Everything posted by KahruNYA

  1. I know it's not exactly up to your decision, but exclusivity of limited time outfits isn't something the game should be worrying about in it's current state imo save for maybe the current and previous 1 Year Premium outfits. If the players around now want to spend money or Hongmoon Coins on a popular outfit / outfit set I'd say why not. Both get what they want. Otherwise, giving a list of possible outfits (maybe a large selection, not all of them that'd be a very big list) and doing a poll would be a good idea as well I think. It was done before in the past if I remember correctly.
  2. Just adding to the lists from the previous replies: Bad: Sealed Grand Celestial Steel - Remove, or severely drop the gold cost (24g to like, 50 Silver), or replace with large stack of GC Steel. Warrior's Scale/Fragment Selection Chest - Outdated & too small an amount from the chests. Dokkaebi Soju - Really old, replace with something better. 10,000 & 100,000 Exp Charms - Remove, add 5 million Charm and 10 million Exp Charms. Sealed Scarlet Conservatory Weapon Materials (Frond, Oculus, Stalk) - Outdated. Remove / replace with More common Steelbreaker weapon materials. The story + a week of daily challenge can just about get a player to Thornbreaker 6. Steelbreaker & Thornbreaker Soul Shield Chests - Make much more common and way less gold. 2+ tiers behind at this point. Greater Naryu Sanctum Bracelet Chest / House of Idols / Thornwind Accessory Chests - Outdated, should be more common and cheaper. Suggestions: Higher quantities of the items in a 1-star roll earlier on e.g. 10 Imperial Soju instead of 1, 5 Resurrection Charms instead of 1, etc. Bring in more past cosmetics/skins (maybe do polls to see what players want to see come back).
  3. Maybe they should make a new speed clear achievement for HQ now as well, since the 3 min enrage timer on her is less than the current speed clear requirement. aka: You're speed clearing HQ, or not clearing HQ lol. What should it be now, 1:30? /sarcasm It's also pretty funny that only one of the Asuras enrage at 2 minutes, which is before a full mechanic cycle can even complete. Now I know it's been ages since most people have had to endure a full mech cycle on the Ausras, but it's hilarious that the game doesn't even let you anymore.
  4. ...And while you're at it make every single unsealed weapon illusion box bound to account and able to be mailed to all characters on your account using delivery stamps or something. See absolutely no point why these purely cosmetic items are randomly chosen to be account bound or character bound, event item or not. (Event weapon illusion drops from past Hongsil dummy dungeon event for example were bound to account e.g. Fruit Loot Illusion, Sunflower Illusion, Jasmine(?) etc. and now this one isn't?) There was no way to tell if the Weapon Illusion box in the Armory Chest was bound to the character who was opening it until obtaining the Illusion Box itself. It's bad design in my opinion making an event chest meant for gearing a less geared character, then having "you should have opened it on the class you wanted the weapon skin for."
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