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Can we all just agree on a few things? Give me an AMEN or a GTFOH! just respond PLZ!


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It is almost seems impossible for new and returning players to get grip on what and how to do anything in this game! Many are getting frustrated and just quitting again.

Why do we need 100's of different upgrade trinkets when one for each slot would work! ( Cash grab? )

Why is it, that it takes 1000's of runs of the same dungeon to acquire things like soul shield parts, that by the time you can get them. You don't need them anymore?

Why is everything in the game untradeable? Like don't we want people to get better gear and stuff so they can help with these insane boss fights and aren't scared to pvp!

Why doesn't any of the items tell you where to get them? ( I been playing since 2016 and I am still lost most of the time on where to find stuff I need )

Why would I pay for a monthly membership, when everything is cash shop only and untradable, other than junk like naryu coins?

I digress on the fact that this will help any at all but, I just hope I am not the only fan of BnS that hates watching it die so slowly knowing simple changes could save it! Not more op bosses and content geared for the elite cash shop crowd. but please boost this post, I would love to see how some of you feel as well! I mean this game needs a balance of PVP and PVE players!

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I can not believe you're still in here complaining it's not impossible for you to upgrade anything and if you've been playing since 2016 you clearly didn't know what you were doing then either because you would now full well that they made it SUPER damn easy for returners and newcomers to catch up with something called Soul Boost yes. that little icon  right under the map click it and do the missions. press " I "there look at the bottom of your inventory screen there's an equipment guide tells you where and what you need to upgrade. as for mats? soul boost gives you a metric ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ton AND the new area kungcho island which you can only access when you (SURPRISE) FINISH THE GAME has mobs that drop materials the TRADABLE ONES. hongmoon archives still exists and gets updated AND there's the BNS academy. ALL the resources are there if you actually look for it rather than sitting there bitching and complaining. this game has PLENTY of problems IMPORTANT problems. but helping your lazy ass gear up isn't one of them with the stuff from soul boost you're literally spoon fed gear that i worked 7  years to make. so don't you dare sit there crying about how hard it is to gear up PLAY THE ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ GAME go ask for some ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ help. you dont need to spend a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ dime unless you're THAT impatient and lazy 


ps. All your accessories come FULLY UPGRADED if you were TRULY playing since  2016 you would know what a pain in the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ass it was upgrading those accessories getting breakthroughs and mats with it now they all come fully upgraded out of the box.

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9 hours ago, mochun said:

I can not believe you're still in here complaining it's not impossible for you to upgrade anything and if you've been playing since 2016 you clearly didn't know what you were doing then either because you would now full well that they made it SUPER damn easy for returners and newcomers to catch up with something called Soul Boost yes. that little icon  right under the map click it and do the missions. press " I "there look at the bottom of your inventory screen there's an equipment guide tells you where and what you need to upgrade. as for mats? soul boost gives you a metric ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ton AND the new area kungcho island which you can only access when you (SURPRISE) FINISH THE GAME has mobs that drop materials the TRADABLE ONES. hongmoon archives still exists and gets updated AND there's the BNS academy. ALL the resources are there if you actually look for it rather than sitting there bitching and complaining. this game has PLENTY of problems IMPORTANT problems. but helping your lazy ass gear up isn't one of them with the stuff from soul boost you're literally spoon fed gear that i worked 7  years to make. so don't you dare sit there crying about how hard it is to gear up PLAY THE ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ GAME go ask for some ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ help. you dont need to spend a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ dime unless you're THAT impatient and lazy 


ps. All your accessories come FULLY UPGRADED if you were TRULY playing since  2016 you would know what a pain in the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ass it was upgrading those accessories getting breakthroughs and mats with it now they all come fully upgraded out of the box.


I second that, If you TRULY played since 2016, then you should know how much easier and less grindy it is now. I also played in 2016 as one of the early starters, but I quit multiple times, this time I returned for 9 months after almost 2 yr off. guess what, 80% of the items I had before I last quit were given for free, then guess what, I upgraded all my heart and souls few months before Soul Boost Plus. Did I complain about wasted materials? no, i upgraded early and gained advantages early which already paid them back. Cash grab? I used to buy battle pass, but then realized they aren't that necessary, premium? its mostly for easy vault tbh, I do agree the premium benefits are laid back, they need to improve, but so what? The cash shop is there for lazy people, however, they aren't necessary at all, everything is much easier now than in the old days.


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Less grindy?

Before mythic tier you could max stuff like soul on day 1, and any looted item from dung at the same moment.

Now you have to grind endlessly to make ANYTHING +20 (except for badges and +10 amulets) and you still won't make

it because there will be a new tier faster than you can ever make it happen, unless you grind like hell or spend $ lmao.

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On 8/23/2023 at 12:21 AM, mochun said:

I can not believe you're still in here complaining it's not impossible for you to upgrade anything and if you've been playing since 2016 you clearly didn't know what you were doing then either because you would now full well that they made it SUPER damn easy for returners and newcomers to catch up with something called Soul Boost yes. that little icon  right under the map click it and do the missions. press " I "there look at the bottom of your inventory screen there's an equipment guide tells you where and what you need to upgrade. as for mats? soul boost gives you a metric ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ton AND the new area kungcho island which you can only access when you (SURPRISE) FINISH THE GAME has mobs that drop materials the TRADABLE ONES. hongmoon archives still exists and gets updated AND there's the BNS academy. ALL the resources are there if you actually look for it rather than sitting there bitching and complaining. this game has PLENTY of problems IMPORTANT problems. but helping your lazy ass gear up isn't one of them with the stuff from soul boost you're literally spoon fed gear that i worked 7  years to make. so don't you dare sit there crying about how hard it is to gear up PLAY THE ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ GAME go ask for some ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ help. you dont need to spend a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ dime unless you're THAT impatient and lazy 


ps. All your accessories come FULLY UPGRADED if you were TRULY playing since  2016 you would know what a pain in the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ass it was upgrading those accessories getting breakthroughs and mats with it now they all come fully upgraded out of the box.

Glad to see there's still at the very least some NC Soft staff on the forums Sticking up for them!

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On 8/23/2023 at 10:09 AM, IAmWho said:


I second that, If you TRULY played since 2016, then you should know how much easier and less grindy it is now. I also played in 2016 as one of the early starters, but I quit multiple times, this time I returned for 9 months after almost 2 yr off. guess what, 80% of the items I had before I last quit were given for free, then guess what, I upgraded all my heart and souls few months before Soul Boost Plus. Did I complain about wasted materials? no, i upgraded early and gained advantages early which already paid them back. Cash grab? I used to buy battle pass, but then realized they aren't that necessary, premium? its mostly for easy vault tbh, I do agree the premium benefits are laid back, they need to improve, but so what? The cash shop is there for lazy people, however, they aren't necessary at all, everything is much easier now than in the old days.


Not hard to look and see how long I have been on here! I hope you at least getting some free N Coin to defend the outright laziness and greed of NC Soft! Take Care!

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can't believe ya are bashing him for speaking the truth.  ya saying soul boost this soul boost that but c'mon really...soul boost only give you the minimum for you to run some dungeons you can't run demonbane with soul boost accessaries and even if do no one is willing to run it with you cause your ap is too low or your bap isn't to their standards...how many of you players that has 4500-5k ap is willing to carry a new or returning players through a dungeon so he can get the necessary items to further his gaming and even if for some reason you do let that person join you on a dungeon run what are the chance that you are gonna pass on the drop and just let him have it. So instead of bashing him why don't you give him some positive criticism cause bashing for speaking his truth only makes you look stupid asf. 

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I played since 2016 on and off and have recently returned because of the soul boosts and finding an active group. Getting geared back then was insanely hard compared to now for new/returning players due to the 'mmo mindset' (what I call it). The mmo mindset is 'I want xyz done and dont have time/or want to carry a newbie'. There are a few high geared people who are completely willing to carry you through dungeons needed for gearing up since the population is declining in NA (we get shafted on events and drop rates), but that doesn't excuse that you're complaining about something every mmo/mmo community has - which is grind for your gear. Soulboost has made it ridiculously easy to gear now for new/returning and that's all high geared players want if you want to be carried - have the bare minimum gear needed for that dungeon/stage.


As for everything being untradeable, it's more so to avoid more bots/alt traffic and giving an unfair advantage to people. It is agitating after a while since a lot of friend of mine quit and couldn't trade their gear to a friend who's active, but that'd be unfair yes? I go from stage xyz weapon to maxed out on everything, gems that took people ages to farm and level (along with fails), the money in upgrade materials, etc. while everyone else around the same gear stage and level as me are still xyz stages under and didn't have that opportunity. The only reason I'm agitated about everything being untradeable personally is because of the costumes. There are so many costumes NA doesn't/didn't have access to while KR gets more opportunites to get a hold of them. I'd rather have a costume I wasn't able to trade at the beginning of blade than get a weapon for free, no sense of accomplishment. We hear you and understand - there's just nothing we can do as a community.

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comparing your elemental item out of the chance it might not even drop in n runs to guarenteed item once you collected a fixed amount of frags.


yeah, very horrible. even BiS weap nearly all who didn't slack too much have seen by now. Honing the items even has pity now and won't drop anymore...I see your frustration if you have to grind every single item, do always get a free upgrade at 100% pity. For the majority it is not.


one valid point however I'd like to discuss: untradeable vs. tradeable


indeed this does need some rework...

  • outfits - are cosmetic, so why not add a account wide F3? stats in collections will apply to all characters, so does unity level and portraits already
  • unity stones - with new dng coin easy access , why not make the bonus stats account wide too? no class benefits from diff stones
  • gear - yeah we won't get that because class voucher could still be "tweaked" to only allow best ranking not class ranking
  • outdated materials - don't let us easily gear us another character, we might play alittle more each day (or never buy class voucher)
  • account wide vault (premium) - this is a thing and would bring some attention to premium

[some] accomplishments sadly can only be aquired at limited times. bonus attributes from this are simply ridiculous. IF money was a motiv for NC they only had to put like an outfit key stone [prem benefit/cash shop only] to pick any outfit from F3. but NC would also need to listen /giggle





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