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Weapon upgrade options


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Currently there are three ways to upgrade an Upsurge weapon, one with more PTS but fewer upsurge essence, one with more upsurge essence but a few TS, and another with an upsurge transformation stone. So what's the difference? similar rates or one is higher than another? They all write "there is a chance to fail" so now I'm confused isn't the upsurge transformation stone a guaranteed? Also the second pathway uses like six times more upsurge essences than the first, is it adding the same progress as the first? If no then what's the point on wasting so many upsurge essences?

They aren't even included in the patch note, I was trying to source this from the RU notes but it seems like they are guaranteeing an upgrade, where in NA it says there is a chance to fail, I don't want to waste the essences in this case so I would like to make sure first, or at least clarify. 

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