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Compensate EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!
Everything that has happened from the previous patch to now, a Grand compensation package to make everyone shh and perhaps even lure some folks to login after this time of trouble.


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This is an ongoing thread it seems like. Everyone keeps saying "everything". Why not be constructive about your requests? Instead of just saying "everything" maybe try to actually list the problems/errors that you have experienced you labeled "everything".


Maybe, just maybe the Devs then can revisit such problems and actually work on a possible solution.


Honestly, the people who post entries here make it sound as if you own the Devs or NC in general to make such demands.


Sure you pay for the micro transactions as I do, but that doesn't give any of you including myself to address on-going issues with no respect whatsoever.  Obviously some of us here doesn't know the "hows, whats and whys" of running a company. It happens in every companies around the world and there's always a reason such ways are being done here.


/end sharing 2 cents

Edited by Frejydis
error in sentence structure
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1 hour ago, Frejydis said:

This is an ongoing thread it seems like. Everyone keeps saying "everything". Why not be constructive about your requests? Instead of just saying "everything" maybe try to actually list the problems/errors that you have experienced you labeled "everything".


Maybe, just maybe the Devs then can revisit such problems and actually work on a possible solution.


Honestly, the people who post entries here make it sound as if you own the Devs or NC in general to make such demands.


Sure you pay for the micro transactions as I do, but that doesn't give any of you including myself to address on-going issues with no respect whatsoever.  Obviously some of us here doesn't know the "hows, whats and whys" of running a company. It happens in every companies around the world and there's always a reason such ways are being done here.


/end sharing 2 cents

That has been done. If you try a support ticket for most things on the NA/EU servers, there is a good chance you will get gaslight about the issue since the NA/EU support team doesn't actually play the game and doesn't know what is going on. We get updates from KR (where it's massively popular) and that's it. The Devs handle technical issues that are submitted by the support teams, but there are are no longer people on the NA/EU support team that understand the game well enough to address issues and translate them to the Dev team. There use to be more people on the NA/EU team in general and those people did play the game and support for the NA/EU player base was much better in that period. But they got rid of almost 80 percent of their staff and there has been an extreme lack of technical support since then.

To be clear, I am not saying this is the fault of their support teams or Dev team. The issue is a massive lack of communication between the NA/EU support team and the Devs. The fault lies with whoever made the decision to fire everyone who was doing the communicating.

But OP's request for compensation for all of the bugged events NA/EU players didn't get to participate in (such as the current treasure draw event that nobody in our servers has been able to access) is perfectly reasonable. It is even common practice for MMOs to offer compensation for massive bugs and broken events.

Honestly if they were to just come out and say publicly that there have been communication issues and that they are working on fixing that, they wouldn't even need to offer compensation and it would still massively improve their reputation. It would be nice to have compensation offered but not necessary. If they would just stop gaslighting everyone about issues when they arise and tell us they are trying to figure it out instead of "everything is working properly", they wouldn't have half the bad rep that they have now.

As far as making requests like this sounding like we own the Devs and NC? This is the exact purpose for forums...yes, people use forums for communicating between fellow players but game developers in general use forums to acquire player feedback on various things about the game they are working on such as possible bugs arising after a patch or an event not working. They also use forums to learn what the players want out of the game such as compensation for broken events or to find out if the event was even fun for the players. They use forums in this manner for almost every game which is why most games have their own forum now instead of leaving it to reddit. They do this because their ultimate goal is to provide an enjoyable experience for their player base. If the players are not having fun or if the game is causing more frustration than enjoyment, the players stop playing. When the players stop playing, the Devs no longer make money.

To be clear, I'm not saying the game is going to die because of a lack of NA/EU support. It's still massive in KR and i think the NA/EU CM just got replaced so maybe there will be changes. I just wanted to point out that OP's request was perfectly reasonable and that this forum is the exact place they should have posted it. If they had made this request in a support ticket or if they had called the Devs names or something, I would understand your point. But this is a forum meant for player feedback and opinions. And you saying that OP's opinion for getting compensated is a lack of respect is the same thing as me saying that your opinion of their opinion is disrespectful. They said that we should get compensated for the period of frustration that most players are having due to broken events and bugs on the NA/EU servers that have not been addressed or fixed which is perfectly reasonable considering all players who could access those events and the players who can currently access the treasure draw event all have an advantage over the players who can't receive those rewards. They didn't call anyone names or make any accusations. They made a simple request in a place where they are perfectly allowed to do so and you started criticizing their request and called it disrespectful which I would say is pretty disrespectful to BOTH the OP and the Devs that use forums for player feedback. Even though the NA/EU team is much smaller now, there are still people working there and having more player feedback would make their jobs much easier. Just because YOU do not agree with that feedback/opinion does not mean that it isn't valid and it certainly doesn't mean that the support and dev teams won't find it useful. Especially considering a decent compensation package would not only please the majority of the NA/EU player base but also it would show that they are listening which would massively strengthen the support the NA/EU player base has for them. Currently, most people won't even submit a report ticket unless it's a game breaking bug because the support team will just tell you to repair the game file and then say that everything is working and close the ticket. If they were to do something like a compensation package in game and then address the internal issues they have been having in a stream or something and just explain that they are working on it or just have a little more transparency so the players aren't left guessing in the dark whether or not an event even works, they would see a huge shift in the attitude the NA/EU player base has with them.

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It's not the first time they deploy a patch without proper testing from KR side ... I think back to the time when there was extented/delayed maintenance, someone was trying to fix on the fly from NCWest or they had someone from KR to fix it ... But not anymore !


Now the cashop is buged, back in the day, they fixed it within hours or days, now its the next maintenance each time !


Your next mmo ToL is garbage, don't even count on us from spending more NCoin ! Start compensating !

Edited by RinDman
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i agree bns in NA/EU has no future due to lack of support
as a game it would continue  game itself has a future , just support literally is very bad.
can somebody link  some community managers , they keep changing so often lately.  they need to read this.


Edited by Ime Riista
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On 5/28/2023 at 9:54 PM, Parxx said:

That has been done. If you try a support ticket for most things on the NA/EU servers, there is a good chance you will get gaslight about the issue since the NA/EU support team doesn't actually play the game and doesn't know what is going on. We get updates from KR (where it's massively popular) and that's it. The Devs handle technical issues that are submitted by the support teams, but there are are no longer people on the NA/EU support team that understand the game well enough to address issues and translate them to the Dev team. There use to be more people on the NA/EU team in general and those people did play the game and support for the NA/EU player base was much better in that period. But they got rid of almost 80 percent of their staff and there has been an extreme lack of technical support since then.

To be clear, I am not saying this is the fault of their support teams or Dev team. The issue is a massive lack of communication between the NA/EU support team and the Devs. The fault lies with whoever made the decision to fire everyone who was doing the communicating.

But OP's request for compensation for all of the bugged events NA/EU players didn't get to participate in (such as the current treasure draw event that nobody in our servers has been able to access) is perfectly reasonable. It is even common practice for MMOs to offer compensation for massive bugs and broken events.

Honestly if they were to just come out and say publicly that there have been communication issues and that they are working on fixing that, they wouldn't even need to offer compensation and it would still massively improve their reputation. It would be nice to have compensation offered but not necessary. If they would just stop gaslighting everyone about issues when they arise and tell us they are trying to figure it out instead of "everything is working properly", they wouldn't have half the bad rep that they have now.

As far as making requests like this sounding like we own the Devs and NC? This is the exact purpose for forums...yes, people use forums for communicating between fellow players but game developers in general use forums to acquire player feedback on various things about the game they are working on such as possible bugs arising after a patch or an event not working. They also use forums to learn what the players want out of the game such as compensation for broken events or to find out if the event was even fun for the players. They use forums in this manner for almost every game which is why most games have their own forum now instead of leaving it to reddit. They do this because their ultimate goal is to provide an enjoyable experience for their player base. If the players are not having fun or if the game is causing more frustration than enjoyment, the players stop playing. When the players stop playing, the Devs no longer make money.

To be clear, I'm not saying the game is going to die because of a lack of NA/EU support. It's still massive in KR and i think the NA/EU CM just got replaced so maybe there will be changes. I just wanted to point out that OP's request was perfectly reasonable and that this forum is the exact place they should have posted it. If they had made this request in a support ticket or if they had called the Devs names or something, I would understand your point. But this is a forum meant for player feedback and opinions. And you saying that OP's opinion for getting compensated is a lack of respect is the same thing as me saying that your opinion of their opinion is disrespectful. They said that we should get compensated for the period of frustration that most players are having due to broken events and bugs on the NA/EU servers that have not been addressed or fixed which is perfectly reasonable considering all players who could access those events and the players who can currently access the treasure draw event all have an advantage over the players who can't receive those rewards. They didn't call anyone names or make any accusations. They made a simple request in a place where they are perfectly allowed to do so and you started criticizing their request and called it disrespectful which I would say is pretty disrespectful to BOTH the OP and the Devs that use forums for player feedback. Even though the NA/EU team is much smaller now, there are still people working there and having more player feedback would make their jobs much easier. Just because YOU do not agree with that feedback/opinion does not mean that it isn't valid and it certainly doesn't mean that the support and dev teams won't find it useful. Especially considering a decent compensation package would not only please the majority of the NA/EU player base but also it would show that they are listening which would massively strengthen the support the NA/EU player base has for them. Currently, most people won't even submit a report ticket unless it's a game breaking bug because the support team will just tell you to repair the game file and then say that everything is working and close the ticket. If they were to do something like a compensation package in game and then address the internal issues they have been having in a stream or something and just explain that they are working on it or just have a little more transparency so the players aren't left guessing in the dark whether or not an event even works, they would see a huge shift in the attitude the NA/EU player base has with them.


TLDNR. You've completely missed the point of my reply, but hey, carry on.

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