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I miss the old days


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I miss the old days where we were fighting blackwyrm and Shiro getting attacked while tanking blackwyrm by Codex. Where we all were super nice to eachother and the world was so active and competitive in pve and pvp! Remember the days we saw tournaments everyone got so hyped about but now it seems to be all gone. What happened to the community? Where is the love we once had for this game? Sometimes I wonder if Jonathan Lien was still around we would still be great! The live streams were always so nice and warm.


Factions also had its own purpose where it was ceruleans vs crimson for blackwyrm and sure it was a pain sometimes, but we had fun - sometimes I wished we could turn back time and enjoy the new stuff again. Also now everyone don’t wanna learn mechanics anymore and brute force and are impatient if a wipe happens.


Now equalized pvp is dead cos no rewards, but honestly instead of removing the rewards, wouldn’t it be cool to have it back and just ban the win traders? 

Much love, especially to Shiro aka Alisa ❤️ 

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Was that the dragon in misty?


In Windrest we did some but calling it fun...died as quickly as the 45 patch.  45 was rushed too quickly but then again we had the latest skill formula so dmg was too high and nothing 45 was challenging at all.

Until asura was meh. Sogun Lament and then Nexus were like the first dungeons you couldn't just tank and spank....

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On 2/22/2023 at 11:57 PM, Machence said:

Was that the dragon in misty?


In Windrest we did some but calling it fun...died as quickly as the 45 patch.  45 was rushed too quickly but then again we had the latest skill formula so dmg was too high and nothing 45 was challenging at all.

Until asura was meh. Sogun Lament and then Nexus were like the first dungeons you couldn't just tank and spank....


8 hours ago, Skenn said:

Maybe in the futur they'll announce some kind of BnS Classic like they did with Lineage 2 and Aion very recently. I feel like that would bring back some people, at least on the PvP side.

I think the charm of Blade and Soul was it’s pvp system. I remember I was invited to the alpha I think for a weekend and everyone was like so hyped and thrilled to get into it. It was super active and 3vs3 always had my heart go fast! BnS classic probably won’t happen as it’s reputation went downhill. I do believe that blade and soul 2 would be great if it was on PC and will most likely get people back into the game but with the upcoming new titles coming out this one might hit the bucket based on the financial report. I love the game but honestly they removed so much stuff that made it worth farming stuff in the open world too!

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People grow old, games get played less and to combat this pay to keep up will always find its way and even more times will be used to progress faster than people who stick to games. This sad trend might eventually kill most games, even wow at some point. Take my word for it.


We do also grow impacient to slow progress since we start to re-evaluate our time - which is crucial and painful - we find less chance to meet and befriend new people. we start to stumble into existint groups since there is just a small amount of people left who truly come where we did come from. seen my fair share of alphas and some games had the chance to make change yet by the time of the planned release nothing happened. even some fun prejects I was having in sight never really ended up happening.

Thus concluding in our irrational hype towards any new game. Maybe NC laid off 20% from BnS to help TL flourish, which we may can see this year. Even LA at some point had me antipated just to not live up to the hype I generated there for myself.

On 2/23/2023 at 4:05 PM, Skenn said:

Maybe in the futur they'll announce some kind of BnS Classic...

Maybe Lineage Eternal might be some sort of BnS Classic, hence the rebranding and all. Only time will tell as we wait for Q2



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2 hours ago, Saito Sacchi said:

People grow old, games get played less and to combat this pay to keep up will always find its way and even more times will be used to progress faster than people who stick to games. This sad trend might eventually kill most games, even wow at some point. Take my word for it.


We do also grow impacient to slow progress since we start to re-evaluate our time - which is crucial and painful - we find less chance to meet and befriend new people. we start to stumble into existint groups since there is just a small amount of people left who truly come where we did come from. seen my fair share of alphas and some games had the chance to make change yet by the time of the planned release nothing happened. even some fun prejects I was having in sight never really ended up happening.

Thus concluding in our irrational hype towards any new game. Maybe NC laid off 20% from BnS to help TL flourish, which we may can see this year. Even LA at some point had me antipated just to not live up to the hype I generated there for myself.

Maybe Lineage Eternal might be some sort of BnS Classic, hence the rebranding and all. Only time will tell as we wait for Q2



Yeah and the new gen is used to social medias Iphones and what not. Computers aren't as important as a new Iphone214 MAX XXL whatever.

This new gen doesn't really care for computers let alone gaming rigs for thousands and thousands of pounds/euro/dollars etc. Or laptops. Because desktops are dying for general use from years. Gaming laptops on the other hand are not as reliable and also are big and heavy. And cost an arm and a leg.  Have you seen the new RTX 40 series loaded laptops price tags? 2.8k was like the cheaper(ish) one. But even RTX 30 series are over 1k. 


That;s why Blade and Soul 2 is mobile not PC.

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I don't quite think it's that computers are not important. Just looking at what BnS takes to "run" somewhat smoothly for how the game does actually perform on god-like rigs on highest settings I really do see why people aren't hyped. [Basically a game that just looks/feels like UE3 taking up massive ram/gpu - like hello? are we mining some crypto here or what].


In regards of GPUs: yeah - displays what we see in BnS which in itself reflects what happens irl: money is slowly loosing all value. Back on my RX460(2gb) I had similiar looking game than on my RTX3060Ti now. Despite lot more cost, the "performance" in MMO is just not as good as we like to romantize in our memories. Even TL doesn't look too promising by its trailer. I ca nbe wrong and hope to be. However it is the people playing who determine if I stay or if I move on and right now basically every friend I made along the journey already turned on BnS. I wonder what really is going on when now they try to push a major update [a month in delay already] when 20% of their staff was let go. Crucial times, maybe it'll magically fix things for now. Only shimmer on the horizon kinda is TL published by amazon, so we can lowkey be reassured the team behind NC West we have now will stay for a little longer. Sadly they don't play their game so it is only semi-good to be reassured by all of it.


BnS2 [didnt talk about that for a while] basically has afk/Auto complete story, so I am not really hyped. Might gonna take a second look on my new phone, but eyes on TL. It might be the next big thing for now.

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On 2/24/2023 at 12:34 AM, AlisaShiroLover said:


I think the charm of Blade and Soul was it’s pvp system. I remember I was invited to the alpha I think for a weekend and everyone was like so hyped and thrilled to get into it. It was super active and 3vs3 always had my heart go fast! BnS classic probably won’t happen as it’s reputation went downhill. I do believe that blade and soul 2 would be great if it was on PC and will most likely get people back into the game but with the upcoming new titles coming out this one might hit the bucket based on the financial report. I love the game but honestly they removed so much stuff that made it worth farming stuff in the open world too!

Blade and Soul 2 is on PC, been out for 2 years now. It is mobile first, pc second tho; would not recommend playing longer than a month.

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Yea PVP scene was great.

Anyway the main issue all my friends complain about was the server/ping/latency making it unplayable. I think it would've been allot more successful and maintained popularity if the game had a p2p system in dungeons/solo content similar to games like Warframe, pso2 etc.

P2P probably would've worked on the PVP side too like dragon nest. Providing matchmaking was regional.

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Not limited to wyrm I suppose. Even raids or mere dungeons - we've died so many times because of one small insignificant hickup - been tryharded hours for one clear. People wouldn't be too mad back then, now after 2 legitimate wipes people call it quits.


Even fighting over essences to spin the wheel was sort of fun looking back at it. now we take more time summoning it than killing. such a bore.

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