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I allow myself to write this post about skillpatches which take several months to come to EU/NA after korea got them. In general skill patches should apply more often in our region for example 3rd spec gunslinger got released with a early version when korea got weekly patches afterwards and we have to wait several months for changes. Every 4-5 weeks when we get a mainpatch in EU/NA a recent skillpatch from korea should be applied but rn we only get them when a new class gets a 3rd spec.



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24 minutes ago, SoaT DHZ said:

I allow myself to write this post about skillpatches which take several months to come to EU/NA after korea got them. In general skill patches should apply more often in our region for example 3rd spec gunslinger got released with a early version when korea got weekly patches afterwards and we have to wait several months for changes. Every 4-5 weeks when we get a mainpatch in EU/NA a recent skillpatch from korea should be applied but rn we only get them when a new class gets a 3rd spec.


That's somewhat incorrect, we seem to get skill patches with each major release of content, but that still often means a 1 to 2 month wait period based on current release dates for stuff. Next update isn't major unless they surprise us with the next Demonsbane dungeon, so we're stuck with what we got now probably.

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+1 thank you so much


we still miss skill patches which got released last december in korea!!


for example this is still bugged:


Ice SF > Debuff damage does not apply properly to targets under Soul Song

Scourge WL > Debuff damage does not apply properly to targets under Vampiric Drain


those got hofixed in december 2021.


AGAIN this are just examples. there are always several things and this should really change!! 😞

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I agree with the OP, I think its really important to get the skill patches faster since we get them reallyyy slow.

Its not only about  skill changes but most importantly about FIXES. We got bugged badges, a bugged new 3rd spec and many more and theres already fixes for that but it takes so long for our version to have them applied.
the NA/EU team should try to working on getting them out on a more regular basis, just like KR does.

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skill and classbalance patches take way to long to come over to EU/NA region.

Substratum for example is soon gone from demonsbane rotation and FM/DES grabs are still bugged in terms of not applying debuff damage.

Lets not talk about releasing third spec gunner in the KR release state where it was just super bad, and now here with the super delayed skillpatch times we have to wait for 4 months for it to be usefull?



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@Green Storm 
You should consider taking a look at the korean skill patches, they're usually released with a lot of QOL and changes that make certain specs and classes viable/playable. Having to wait 3 months for incomplete skill patches that sometimes break specs is really tragic.
An example of a patch that was instantly hotfixed in korea is grabs from fm, bd, sf, des and warlock not applying debuff dmg on "big targets". 

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my grab is bugged and also badges and it is not just about warlock its about every class?!?!?


i would love to play archer but it is also Sh't atm

ARC Wind > Storm Bolt Stage 2 animation fixed > When using Twin Storms, Storm's Eye activates on use instead of on hit > When using Twin Storms, Storm's Eye lasts longer > When using Twin Storms, Storm's Eye being applied to a smaller area than shown has been fixed > When using Twin Storms, Storm Bolt Stage 2 is applied more quickly when entering Storm's Eye > Magnum Soul Badge: Fixed Rapid Fire[X] CD not being reduced when hitting Windbolt > Magnum Soul Badge: slightly lowered the CDR effect > Fixed Strafe Shot (Left, Right) displaying as a hit when used against a target that is iframing > Rapid Shot(+Awk) 3 seperate attacks now have different damage rolls

this is just from february as mentioned from the other people there are even more fixes missing since december


i hope so much that i will change some day so we can all enjoy our classes and do not just talk about "ohh my class will soon get better when the skill patch is here"



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