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About Recent KR UE4 Changes


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  1. KR recently re-evaluated/discarded the class change system because "83.53%" of the players don't like and don't want anyone to have it. While it might be true for KR players, I propose that we run a similar vote here at EU/NA. The process will of course be publicly open here and only accounts that are active (e.g. unity level 40/60/80/100+ or something alike) can vote instead of hosting a random twitter/reddit vote. All of us shall see a real-time updated result from the beginning to the deadline.
  2. Previously KR introduced us a change to the existing system of upgrading accessories. As of now, we get unrefined/stage-1 accessories from dungeons/raids with the same stats and we upgrade them to maximum afterwards. So we now upgrade but no reroll. Notice that no RNG involved. In the previous UE4 content update page it is mentioned that we will instead get maxed up accessories from dungeons/raids but with random stats and we reroll them to the best/preferred stats afterwards. So we would reroll but no upgrade. RNG would be included. This change itself already would make very little sense but I guess it is a tradeoff between getting a max item quickly and have to reroll the stats with RNG. However, the most recent update from KR shows that even this is a lie. The new system is upgrade + reroll. We will still need to upgrade accessories juts like now and further need to reroll the stats at the same time. This is straight up much more expensive than the existing system and much more depending on RNG. Since NC likes listening to the players' votes that much, I propose we have another vote about this as well.
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I wanna be able to change my class, the way ncsoft balance their game is just ridiculous, and so is the amount of upgrades you can do on your character..

The last thing i want when my class gets nerfed or other classes become ridiculously OP is to start over gearing one... or having to wait 3 years for ncsoft to figure out their balance is terrible

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