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BnS II for PC/Console, rly???


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Hello there,

Until today I was sure it will be an exclusive title for mobile. Well today I had to read an article that a version for PC and Console is planned!? Anyone knows what exactly they adjust and knows more about it, is the going to be a adjusted port for those system or just kind of an emulator? 

Is there a original NCsoft post about this anywhere?  If yes pls share the news.


I talk about this (german) article.




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Now this is pretty interesting. Based on everything that I've heard here and there, and now this article, it actually looks pretty good. But of course were talking about ncsoft here so I won't keep my hopes high. The no classes thing sounds really cool.

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14 hours ago, Charoette said:

Are you sure that you aren't confusing BnS2 with blade and soul revolution!?

Yes I am, and it's using Purple, which is kind of an emulation platform, so we will see how it's going to run sometime later that year, maybe. I am not thrilled atm, but for sure will take a look when it's there.





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