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New Heart!!!


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Hello ppl, 

There is something going around my head since a few days now and i wanted to share it with you. The topic is of course the price of the new Heart (190 oils) 
We allready had to craft/buy in the last 3 months 343 oils, plus now for the new heart 533 oils in total, in my opinion its a big no go of the company. How should everyone get so much oils ? 
I suggest that the upcoming heart definitely needs a cost reduction. I hope, that you can agree me on this .

Im aware, that its an late content item, but still, the price of 1 oil is currently 730 gold. Even for me, someone who’s always trying to be max gear, it’s just too much. BnS has to bring a new way to farm them or as i mentioned before, they should definitely do a reduction of the cost itself

Thanks for your time.

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tell me Reason why ppl must in few days max Gear ?!  all whales got enough gold !  yeah hard too get oils !  each kontent need time  for any player ! is same like Fusion stones  !  where is fun to get max gear in few days if y  got all stuff !

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2 hours ago, Sayahell said:

tell me Reason why ppl must in few days max Gear ?!  all whales got enough gold !  yeah hard too get oils !  each kontent need time  for any player ! is same like Fusion stones  !  where is fun to get max gear in few days if y  got all stuff !

You didn't understood the point. It's not about being max or not. The point is, that it is getting more and more expensive and you can not farm it anywhere.

It is up to everyone how they want to play the game, some play it on progress, some are casual gamers.

But getting upset like a little child who didn't get his toy doesn't make sense 🙂

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When a different item comes to the game that requires the same material, the required material should not be increased, but we spend more material every year, this applies to both spirit and pet aura. In the past we were able to get at least 6-7 oil a week with events, now they have reduced this to 2, after this incident many players left the game but they continue to make the same mistakes.

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Well, if you want to be max geared you need dedication. And as the game itself told us, dedication means emptying our wallets.

You can farm evo stones in MSP. Yes it takes long and this map became quite boring over the years and its many reuses. But it is still possible.


I see no problem with new stages needing more materials then previous ones. It's an upgrade so why should it be cheaper or be the same cost as the former max?

Each player decides for themself how fast they want to upgrade and how much they want to spend on that (time and or money).

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