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Game crash with my RX560X video card HELP


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A question for the intelligent people of the group to see if they can help me, I have a Nitro 5, Ryzen 5, with 4GB RX560X video and when I play Blade & Soul and I am with many PCs, as in the mushin tower the game goes out or In dungeons like Cathedra Cliffs, another is if I activate the shadows, it starts to blink with times of one minute between blinks, when I play with other games that are more demanding nothing happens and I put the graphics at the top and nothing happens it just happens to me with B&S, will anyone know what I can do to prevent it from happening?

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truthfully i can tell you something interesting regarding amd with bns lol its funny actually (if you changed any global settings in your amd adrenaline software to boost your game performance i would recommend against it because it will cause game to blink / graphic driver to fail and recover etc or send give an error of blue screen video_card_TdrDelay. etc)

this is something i only experienced in bns other games are fine even if u tweak your graphic card just remove your bns from the global graphic option keep everything at default and if it still keeps blinking during game you can try to reinstall graphic card (Using DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) it removes your previous version of graphic card completely for best use it is recommended to use in safe mode. If you are using windows 10 hold shift then select restart while holding it down it will give you a few options after which you will select advanced and then start up options then you will select restart after that it will pop up with a screen asking you to select which mode you want to start pc in just select option 4 which is safe mode and you are good to go. you can also install graphic driver in safe mode as it tends to cause lesser problems as compared to regular installation with amd.) 


Hopefully this might help you

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On 14/09/2020 at 9:04 AM, Auroras Eve said:

if you changed any global settings in your AMD adrenaline software to boost your game performance i would recommend against it because it will cause game to blink / graphic driver to fail and recover etc or send give an error of blue screen video_card_TdrDelay. etc)

BSOD video_card_TdrDelay - it means "Blue Screen of Death, Video Card Timeout Detection and Recovery Delay", This is a feature of the Windows operating system which detects response problems from Graphics Card, and Recovers to a functional desktop by resetting the card. This is GPU Display Driver Issue, has nothing to do with Adrenaline software


There's an old and easy fix to it.

  1. Simply go to your registry: Start --> Run --> Type in "Regedit"
  2. Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers" and create a key of type "DWORD (32-bit)" and name "TdrDelay" with a value of 10 as Decimal value.
  3. Reboot and play :)

The Windows registry is a powerful tool that can be used to fix severe problems. But it can also cause severe problems. One wrong edit, in the wrong entry, can render a Windows machine unusable or worse -- unbootable, any user who attempts to edit the registry needs to do so with caution, if you have never used or edited Registry before, I recommend you to do backup before doing any edits to it. 


AMD hardware has always worked best with Blade and Soul.


The only thing that is really worth editing in Radeon Software is 

  • Anti-Aliasing from "Use Application Settings" to "Enhance Application Settings/Override Application Settings" - even if you do not use Anti-Aliasing it will make a difference on FPS.
  • Texture Filtering Quality from "Balanced" to "Performance"


and disabling ULPS "Ultra Low Power State" on AMD GPU via Registry / BNS Buddy.

It basically allows AMD GPU to always use maximum performance instead of ULPS


To Disable ULPS you have 2 options, BNS Buddy or Registry.


Option 1: Less safer option then Option Number 2: (Be sure to edit exactly same file as shown in the picture, if you choose to take this route)

Press Windows key + S on your keyboard to open Windows Search Bar, type Regedit and choose Registry Editor.

or Press Windows key + R to open "Run Command" and type Regedit and press enter, whichever you prefer 



You can manually select Edit and navigate to "Find.." or simply press Ctrl+F to open Find Command





Reboot PC


Option 2: BNS Buddy, Keep in mind that this is 3rd party software, so use it at your own risk, however, It's fairly safe software if you use it fairly.



Swipe or Select slider to "ON" - Reboot PC afterwards.



Edited by SayhaSeer
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