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the problem with fm lightning spec


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i am fm player and i heard that rest of the classes with 3 rd spec had it easy to change their entire items to their spec they wanted to use so I'm suggesting that it will be the same for FM cause I reverted all the items expect for the soul badge which I need a lot of things to change and even then its only optional to the newest option which I am not sure if its good for the class so if it possible to make an option to change it so the soulbaadge can be reverted like the rest of the classes its frustrating a lot when it like this and I'm thinking of quitting cause of that specific thing please can you help me or at least make the change in some of the next patches

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We don't have this soul badge exchange like last time at Junsorei, that's true. But that worked only on older badges. For current one you always had to use that item from dragonexpress. That remains unchanged I don't see a point in changing that.

I have no idea how good or bad the current soul badges are for fire and frost. But if one doesn't have that yet, why should they be given a free one for lightning spec?

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i heard that the sin got to do it and the job that was before him so yeah why they do it for them and not for lightning spec?

so what I need to farm materials and medals to get it when old jobs got it for free?


Edited by EnbyChan
adding thing
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I dont know what you are talking about, it was exactly like this for both sin and kfm.
You cant and could never no matter what class or spec, change old badges for the new fuse.
The soul badge exchange at Junsorei first came out because of the huge changes everyone got with awakening, and then they brought it back once more due to player request.
The new fused soul badge is BiS for all 3 specs, so if you were playing an FM you should already have it, and you can just exchange it with an item that cost 10 gold and a few naryu silver from dragon express... so i dont understand what you mean with "i need a lot of things to change[the soul badge]". 
If you dont have the new soul badge fuse already... well go farm it like the rest of people? Why should they give you one for free, or let you exchange an old badge for the new one?

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You can literally farm the old fused soul badges and buy with Martial Tokens on dragon express, and it's not even a crazy amount, only 20.

The new badges are the new content you need to play the game to achieve, wanting a "free" new end game gear is kinda, saying to everyone that farmed TOI and Trial Arena they wasted their time. I don't know what's the big deal on this, we can already swap the wingrise and paragon to the exhilaration and that's perfect the way it is, we can even swap back if we regret it.

Btw, even exhilaration being BiS, the old ones are still decent for 3rd spec till you finish farming TOI. 


Edited by Miykhail
forgot to add info
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i tried to replace that soul badge the one you get from toi and that what I tells me 70 g and 3 dgs and 3 oils for exhiliration unless I do it wrong and I would like to know where I can change it to lightning


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2 minutes ago, EnbyChan said:

i tried to replace that soul badge the one you get from toi and that what I tells me 70 g and 3 dgs and 3 oils for exhiliration unless I do it wrong and I would like to know where I can change it to lightning


You are clearly looking at the wrong thing. What you are listing there are the mats you need to awaken a soul badge. Meaning going from Exhilaration Soul badge to Awakened Exhilaration Soul Badge - 1, for example.
Which badge do you currently have?

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51 minutes ago, EnbyChan said:

the one for ice fm i want it to be lightning


What is the name of the badge... there are several ice badges...
Either way, when you exchange the new badges this is what it looks like 
As you can see, you dont need all the crap you listed, you need the 1 item that is from dragon express. I know the screenshot shows paragon badge to Exhiliration, but it looks the same if you do it form Wingrise, which is the ice one.
If you dont have the Wingrise, then you dont have the new badge, which means you have an old badge which means if you want the new one you have to go farm it like every other FM did before 3rd spec even came out. 

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