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SystemErr - (1001 : Unable to load character)


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Yes, of course. B&S disconnects me probably an average of once every other day I would say. Don't know whether it is just my internet or on NCsoft's side. My theory is that if your internet has a hiccup, and quits on you for about 5-30 seconds, B&S loses the connection to you, and disconnects you. Really, a TON of people have internet hiccups now and then, so this seems to happen a lot, and is a common problem. Is it something NCsoft even CAN fix? Depends on whether it is on NCsoft's side or not. If it is on NCsoft's side will it get fixed? Probably not. I mean consider that it HAS been a problem for a long time. Does NCsoft know about it? Yes. Has NCsoft fixed it? No. How long has it been? Years. Therefore, how likely is it to get fixed any time soon? Very low unless the Unreal 4 update addresses disconnects, which... I hate to be pessimistic, but I wouldn't be surprised if that is literally just a graphics update, and doesn't fix anything else at all.


The best thing I can recommend to you is to keep a close eye on your internet connection. If you get disconnected from B&S, immediately check to see if you can load a some random web page. If you can, that shows your internet connection is probably ok and the problem is likely on NCsoft. If you can't load the web page or stream a YouTube video or whatever, then it is probably on your end, and you need to contact your Internet Service Provider to see what they can do to get you more reliable internet.


When it comes to mmo's, they don't actually use NEARLY the bandwidth a lot of people think they do. Having a download speed of 200 Megabits per second will NOT help you play B&S any better (once you are actually playing in-game) than having 5 Megabits per second. It isn't about that. It is more about smoothness of the connection, reducing your percentage of packet loss, and what your ping / latency is.



Edited by NorbertTheOpinionated
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