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Just Delete this Game


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Guys dont waste your time on this greedy company the game will not survive this year they are even milking the whales right know cause of the lose of player due to the disappointing result from UE4 "THEY DONT CARE".


But for real just play something worth your time this game just isnt worth to waste any time on it :D

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Actully even tho i am sure we will not be able to see UE4 in Europe or NA it dosent look like alot of people quit recently.


Looking at BNS buddy the playercount got recduced by like 300 Maybe which is not as huge as some other updates did so the recently Pay to win increase didnt change much yet.


If we read forums and listen to the players feelings about the game thats another story. It seems like people are only waiting for an alternative to quit and well 2 of thoose alternatives are comming to EU/NA this year which means BNS is gonna lose alot of player.


To conclude even tho we expect them to die in 2020 its completly possible for them to survive even through 2021 if they keep up the pay to win their income will be more then enough since their effort is litterly only keeping the server running which could be done for like 50$ a month now adding in the cost of staff etc. whole BNS could be financed with one whale spending money on trove.

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