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Finding for active clan


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1. Wrong section

2. There are some informations you should give

3. first look into the clan recruitment section of forum and read through it maybe there is a guild you`d like.


About the informations you should give:

1. Nationality alot of guilds want you to speak the same language as them

2. When are you active and for how long ?

3. What are you looking for ? PVE ? Raids ? PVP ?

4. How much gear do you have ?

5. Which class do you play ?  (This is answered already in this post of yours)


I just recommend you to get into any guild for now they should atleast beat the third raid thou otherwise you cant expect much from such a guild.


P.S i am not a guild leader or anything i just want to give you an advice.

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5 hours ago, zenblader said:

Im new to BNS. Currently building blade master, lv60 hm14.


I play BNS everyday. But im sad, no buddy, no friend in game.


Any active clan to suggest?

Go to googleand type " bns rr discord " join this server and there are active clan recruiting. 

Also for your class or more help about game type on google "bns academy discord" select your role for BM.

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