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pvp improvements.


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Reduce DMG of several attacks. All kind of aerial expect for gunner and all kind of range attacks a meele can do.

rework Warlock so warlock can actully play PVP again what was wrong with it before awk ? just reduce the aerial dmg a bit and give us back the old wl.

remove keys from boxes so you can farm gold without having to PVE for the keys !

Open 1v1 24/7 instead of closing it down for some hours there is no need for such a thing and there never was !

Remove wallbang make a wallbang tabable.

Log 1 char per class in ladder so we dont see one player with 12 times the same class in ranking.

Give out season and weekly rewards starting with 1400 Ranking this will increase the ammount of PVE Player who play PVP and may enjoy it in the future.


etc. etc.etc



Add a 2nd 6v6 mode where everyone got the same stats like 1v1 and 3v3.

Remove all materials you cant obtain with PVP from upgrades and give PVP Players a way to farm oils etc. so they can get max pet/soul etc, aswell.

1 class per team only so you dont fight with for example 4 gunner against 5 fm.

Add a way to get accesories without PVE.

Change the matchmaking so it searches via gear score. Its ok if your enemy is ascendant 3 and u are max gear but your team must have atleast on ascendant then aswell.

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nah i still think more maps is best more variety in this game like they make dungeons tho so why they cant do this with pvp ?  


wonder what will happen when they do 1v1 pvp when gear applies 


but when they took away all pvp gear then in short 

everybody is equal

and everybody focus on getting outfits and stuff and pve gear (oh wait they already doing it because they either they are not good in pvp or some other reasons) 

everybody will be playing most op classes 

6 archers vs  6 wardens incoming or mixture between these classes maybe some sum aswell and sin, kfm those people who like to cause cancer  because why play bad class tho xD 

your plan is flawless 

best pvp ever  everybody will do it 


also think about in bns and rest of the world btw everybody will take advantage of every bug they will find.   

Edited by tiigrikutsu
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vor 4 Stunden schrieb tiigrikutsu:

wonder what will happen when they do 1v1 pvp when gear applies 

This would reduce the population of 1v1 from like 10 Players to maybe 2. 


The whole reason people decided to quit PVP is cause 1. NC is not looking into PVP Balancing they only care about PVE Content 2. they cut our possible play time without reason 3. they allow cheating programs and edits. 

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