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Do Lyn's have pads?


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Okay not sure if this was ever asked or not and if so then forgive me, but I was curious as to if Lyns have paw pads on their feet like cats and other animals. Could that be why they are always walking around on their forefeet instead on the whole foot even when wearing boots?

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I think Lyn "feets" are more likley cloven hoofed rather than paws so i'll guess no they dont have pads ;)


Edit: which is quite unusual since Lyns seems to be a hybrid between different animals like Cats, Dogs, Squirrils, and so on (depending on their ears and tails) and humans. but ill guess it would have been to much work to make different foot typs ;)

Edited by Merlin DE
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Well judging by how they walk and the looks of their feet they definitely seem to resemble animals and have three toes not five. Their feet didn't really give me the impression of cloven hoofs when I looked it up. If anything it reminded me of the hind feet of a cat or similar animal, but I was looking up cats, so I'm going with that. Still, it doesn't really say what the bottom of their feet look like, but it appears like it could be paws like a cat, dog, rabbit, and other animals that have paws that they walk on. So it may be possible they do have paw pads and it would explain a few things as paw pads do several things.


Found some new information that says the Lyns was based on the White Tiger. Not sure how correct that is, but it would make sense that if that was the case their feet would most likely have paw pads, but since we can't see the bottom of the feet it's hard to tell for sure.

Edited by LunaBlood
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3 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Well even if they have paws, ill guess no one made the work to model or skinn the pads cause as you stated, you never or very rarely will see the bottom of the feet.

So ill guess we never can be sure ;)

That's true, but it does seem curious none the less. I decided to go ahead and throw that idea into the story I'm working on anyways as it would make sense.

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