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[Suggestion] Sandbox Mode


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I am not familiar with if this was already suggested but I will go ahead and do it.


So I am pretty sure that most of players might at least once had a hard time making decisions in their gear, especially when it comes down to soul badges/fused soul badges. With the new soulbadges that came out recently, new 3rd specs for BM and KFM, I am sure that people would want some type of sandbox mode.


Now, not everyone knows what sandbox mode exactly is, so let me explain.
It's pretty much a dream come true, for a short time. In this particular mode, you are allowed to have any and every gear you desire, for testing purposes (but literally). Not only does it test out certain item, it's functionality but overall it let's people test out entire class. This could replace a current version of testing your class before making it by going to Hongmoon Training Room and testing the skills. 


People could see classes potential and if it's worth swiping the card so many times for that item and what else not..

Sandbox mode was implemented in many games, including League Of Legends which in their case, they represented it with entire new server located in NA called PBE. I am sure NCSOFT/NCSWEST wouldn't do such a thing with their current server state so why not implementing it into F12? Add a merchant with any gear, for no cost and let people grab gear, gear would wear off once the player leaves F12 or refuses to make certain class. Let people taste the feel, and ofc, let them make a proper decision before rushing that fused soul badge so now they need new 5 divine grace stones (like my Warden did) :3


There's too many reasons why sandbox mode should be added in game such as BnS and I am not going over all of them, but there's nearly none reasons why it's still not in the game, so what do you think? Will NCSOFT/NCWEST do anything like this in near future?



Edited by Straxedix
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Why would they do this? Every mistake you make, you have to rectify by sacrificing some of your resources. The less resources you have, the higher the chance you'd be goaded into their little money making scheme with the troves and the daily specials and all the other less than respectful to gaming, shenanigans.

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