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[LF> Fellow Yura Friends]


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(not sure if this is the right place, says recruiting for clans/meet fellow players. So I assume this is a good place)


However, to start I been thinking about getting back into the game. Perhaps not as hardcore (until UE4) but I do want to try playing casually again. I hope this thread reaches some people and if anyone is interested to invite me I'd definitely be down to join up. It also doesn't matter if you're low level/or geared or a whale. I don't mind helping in dungeons etc etc. 


I speak only English and I reside in the United States if that also helps.


Add my discord: Evii#5465 or message on me on here. But I do prefer discord/or teamspeak. Thanks~~

Edited by Shiyua
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Update: Thank you for all those who added me to play with and I very much appreciate it and hope to get to know you guys more over-time. For those who still searching, I am still open to anyone adding me if you wish to party up and perhaps even befriend each other.


~ If interested, I have made a discord for all of us to meet and make it easier to organize. This discord server isn't a hard-core community server, just a small place to perhaps meet new players who might also be looking for people to play with. Discord: https://discord.gg/24EJgWc


On 3/4/2019 at 3:30 AM, Jazzy27 said:

I'm starting a new character in Yura (Rahptalia is my IGN) 

You can also ping me in Discord: JazD801#7349 o/

Also, for anyone wanting to purchase an amazing Chibi art Jaz has a store open if anyone is wanting to get. You can find her store/forum post on Reddit; 

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