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Can we get a nerf for these two?


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So it goes without saying that Warden is getting a nerf to its damage soon. I mean, the amount of damage it can output is ridiculous and I haven't found anyone who disagrees with that.


That being said, there are two more classes that I would love to see receive a nerf, even though ironically, one of them is receiving a buff. Those two classes being Blade Master (you can start laughing now) and Summoner. The reason for putting Blade Master on the list is for the simple fact that anything with a parry placed in its block (looking at you WLs) is bound to play dirty and unfairly to get some cheap stuns in. Surely enough, that's exactly what happens with BMs constant spazzing their block, switching it on and off again, as though making themselves into a KFM now. Now we all know the obvious "Z pull to win" deal, and the fact that's still a major issue shows just how powerful the move it. Last I checked, it did around 4k+ damage, and puts BM straight into Draw Stance. If we were to ever nerf that move, it would be to reduce its damage. As for their ground game, it's honestly the best ground game there is, second only to SF and maybe BD. They catch you with a daze and you have no choice but to roll unless you want to die, and when you do, they almost always land their KDs. If you use the 1 get up, you're stunned, if you use ground counter, you're also getting stunned, as boot has a 9 second CD and does that. If they miss the ground counter, they still apply a KD to you.


BM's kit is just so vast and versatile, with oh so many ways of ruining people's days that a proper nerf would seem very hard to pull off. However, an effective solution would be to nerf its Z pull damage (if it hasn't already been done), reduce the time of resistance from their backstep, and of course, REMOVE ITS PARRY.


Summoners are also on the chopping block for the simple reason that they've become the new WL, instantly killing you whenever they land a single air combo. The amount of damage that Summoner now does can allow it to instantly kill SFs, or remove the shield from Warden and wipe out half its HP, all without trying either. Then there's the fact that they buffed their Knock up to land regardless of whether or not their target is CCed. On top of all of that, there's the cat pounce, which is available on a 24 second CD, instead of a 36 or 45, which is where it should be. The cat pounce is such an overpowered move that being so much as caught in it for even a second guarantees the loss. That and with the abilities that scummoners have to tech chase already, it's completely unfair that they're basically able to get you regardless of whether or not you have two escapes. On top of all of that, they get the most blatantly over powered block breaker in the form of creating an AoE field that continuously disables defenses, while also cancelling out any on going defensive skills. If you used your backstep to get out of a snare and they catch you with this, it doesn't matter how "good" you are, you're going to die.


My fix would be to simply remove such a broken skill from the game, or replace it with something vastly less broken. Their aerial damage would be halved, and their cat pounce would be set on a reasonable CD time.

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