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Dungeons for beginners


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everything up to naryu foundry just lfp for it, you can easily do it with story gear (you need an orb for heavens mandate, not really worth it)

some are probably underpopulated, just see if you can find a group for them.

naryu sanctum should be ok with story gear as well, just for you first time, do not touch the adds at the first boss, and at the second boss (you get a mini boss in between that doesn't count) if you see some blue spears, pick them up and throw them at the boss. Or simply watch a guide ;)

These would include all dungeons where you get the first better gear.

also please note, you can get legendary accesories at the peach vendor and in zaiwei (for more tokens then), so you just need the tokens really. I don't have the time to go into detail here, just have a look around or maybe someone else replies in more detail, sorry.

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