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Oath Armor and Rudeness in Dungeon parties

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So lemme start off by saying this is the first forum thing i've made here my username is Collan im lvl 55 HG lvl 9 and a blade dancer I wanted to get better equipment than my Solak stuff since Im tired of dying from random people fighting me So i was like okay so most I know im MMO's you would do dungeons to get gear I know you can get outfits but people will not cooperate. Im not saying all players are like this so please dont take offense but this guy looking like Gon when he got all powered up fighting pitou freaking comes in my parties just to go "Afk" but then talks trash about how I havent spent nearly as long and my items are garbage and he tells me to hit cancel in the party search when we only have 3 out of 6 people in a lvl 55 hg 14 i think dungeon then goes on to tell me he is creating a ticket against me...like what the actual hell...So am I just garbage for not knowing how to get stuff higher than solak or are these players just being complete dicks to me for no reason?

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not the first and not the last and you're not alone.


we have alot of garbage rude in F8's which unfortunately have its root far back when the game still new.  There unfortunately no real remedy except somewhat making some friends in open world or getting into a good discord server to find friends. Or get into clan, which hopefully not leaving you behind.  The only thing you can really do is to remind yourself to not become that bullies.

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