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Gearing alts, need bit of direction.

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Greetings, and as in title. I might need a bit of direction. Im in a bit of trouble on prioritizing what to grow and when.


So here is my main :



and this is my alt (viable one) :

https://bnstree.com/character/na/Tendo Rushuna


Both characters now basically need same thing, namely a raid. Except that my main need SK while the alt needs VT. and both face same problem, dps.  Im at difficult position in my main as not only i am new to SK but because of my high server delay i can only sustain like 120K (based on Moyun parse i did)  My gunslinger is rather worse. But there are nothing i can do because of my 300-400ms of delay. Gear wise they're about adequate but i believe no one is going to take me in based on dps alone.  Even clans probably reluctant to take me in. My current VT group is apparently head to skip SK and head to HQ.. not a problem for my des (shadow des can live without SK) But my gunslinger recently lost VT group as the members basically concentrate to SK and my main cannot join as there are no roles.  It would be best of interest tho that i could gain experience as early as possible and when people still "new".


My main's clan have clearing raid but i don't see possibility to join because if i join.. then who's gonna keep in my previous VT group :x and i can't really join just for SK. My gunslinger would probably can be candidate but i only have experience until boss 2.


That 300-400ms of delay is already using pingzapper.. so yeah i think i basically have to live with it. and mostly im in more than 300 (350-370ms is at average now, )


I have experience in healing (not healer one tho) and keeping in both characters and that i could do at up to 400ms  (450-500ms is possible but you will see stuttering move for orb in VT). But if DPS is demanded as entry requirement what should i do O-o ?


Upgrading soul could be the opportunity. However i found it rather hard to do mainly because i don't have much of income in game or luck, and these days just playing is kinda challenging and easily exhaust me easily, mainly because F8 problems and bad luck with evo stone drops. I tried to join clan farm whenever possible but.. most of the time im behind or too early. Plus can't really be whales....


So yeah, im looking for a direction... and im basically rarely ask help, tried to take care  of myself mostly but for this time.. i need one.

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