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[Help] Gearing and Must-Know (Returning)

Yu Yanni

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Hello, I'm a returning player, and I did a lot of research (by a lot I mean AAAA LOOOT) and I can't seem to put everything together.

Can someone please help me and correct me if I'm wrong on what I am stating, please?


First of all I'm a summoner, played over the 50 patch and just returned. I finished the story-quest (all yellow, prepared all the pre-quests for raids, and purple). And Started gearing.


Weapon - You do get one from the story quest with 3 gem slots, but after checking, I discovered that I can buy a chest at Grand Harvest Square for Naryu coins which will give you random gem slots. I did with all my tokens and the max I got was 5 slots, which I tought would be okay, so after that I started leveling it up. - As the old system, the only way to improve is to level it up. TOTALLY recommend to other newbies to know that. OPENING SLOTS IS VERY EXPENSIVE, so try to get atleast 5 slots with this method. (I went with baleful because internet told me so). 


Sould Shield - The story gives a decent one. I readed that the next step is Raven - (or try and get battleground, since it has a little better stats) - TODAY BG is dead, so I will stick with that one + 3 raven from the orange quest. (Is there any guide for the best roll / stats? - after Raven you can upgrade it with the soul wardens one as before) and be good to go.


ACCESORIES: I need to farm dungeons untill I get all the orange ones and upgrade them, right? I also saw theres elemental ones. What path is better? (Always talking PVE). As for the jewel elements I already found you have to buy them from DE which is expensive and people complains about.


For farming SS / and materials I already found some guides.


Mushin is still the same? Any recommendations on what to do next A part from getting the orange accesories and level up my accs & weapon / soul / everything?

Also, I do not understand the whole BADGE thingy, where do you get it? 


Thanks in advance for all the help. =)

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Well you got most stuff right, I try to fill in some gaps ;)


Weapon: from story is also random, you just got unlcky there ;) but buying a new one war totally right, although one should opt for 6 slots (maximum), but if you went with 5, you will most probably get the 6 slot. Just as advise for others, go with 6. Also baleful is fine for sum


As a sum, mixing soul shields depends on your element.. for wind you totally want 3 bt (raven), for earth, you wanna go 8 msp (the one from the story, can be obtained in midnight sky plains) to 8 raven, no mixing. And uhm.. I might have missed something, but the stats on pvp soul shields are actually for pvp and pve, so what excactly do you mean with better? plus you loose all the set effects for msp/raven...


For accessories you do want the purple elemental ones (dark tomb and naryu sanctum) plus bracelet, necklace, belt (in that order of importance), so you do not really want the orange ring. You also do not only need to hope for a drop, there is a token system. With 200 tokens you can buy one of the orange ones at a mercant in zaiwei (after doing 10 runs in the dungeon wich drops it originally). Plus there is a quest wich gives you250 of those tokens (the dead don't die or something like that), so you might wanna do that ;) After that you want the elementar ring/earring from bt raid, but first you have to gear up to get there, so the purple ones are fine.


Mushin did not get changed... they added some floors, but naksun still drops moonstone crystals, so if you want that ;)


Also weapon just till stage 10, then switch to raven. it is cheaper plus you do more damage ;)


I will link you another answer I gave, I explained it in detail there (I might have written there to not go raven for the weapon, that got changed recently, but the rest should be ok)


 it is a lot to read, but you can skip sections there.. the badge part is in there too. which one you need depends on your element ;) Plus if you want the new badge you can farm that in tower of infinity or buy old ones through tokens on the market ( the last season is still not available for sun points)

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Oh, thank you for the good answer!!


The only thing that looks unclear to me is the accsories.

Here, have my bns tree: https://bnstree.com/character/eu/Yu Yanni

Because the Oathbreaker belt has been better than the ones from the story to me and I kept it. So I'm now confused if the purple ones are a "cheap" easy alternative untill gearing up, or they are better. 


I will check for the Badge and everything! Thanks a lot! I appreciate it :)

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Oh you really got the old stuff, my answer is more for story gear ^^


You still want to change your ring and earring to the purple elemtal ones fromes the dungeons. Uhm I am really not sure how much better the legendary belt would be in comparison to the old one... I would recommend you compare them and see when the legendary one gets better, but as I would put belt last in the chain of dungeon legendary stuff, you still have time to figure it out ;) And if the oathbraker belt is better than pinnacle, of course keep it. no need to change that till you get a better one (no elemental stuff for belt, which is why you change your earring/ring)

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I will check the belt, but I think it will be the last on my To-Do list.


Thanks for the info again!! 


I'm guessing upgrading that gear is a must-do or not worth? Like the elemental ring/earring. Or better keep it untill the next ones? 

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