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PvE Lighting rotation quick question.


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So I am hoping this make sense in a way, but I was wondering after I Lightning Flash, if I hit Flicker to soon will it cancel my Lightning Flash and make it not hit all the times it spose to or will it cancel the animation out but still hit the correct number of times?

Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're too fast, you won't hit both hits of Lightning Flash and your overall DPS goes down. Really, the best thing to do is to go to somewhere like Mushin's Tower or Northreach and practice your L>F>L>F on a dummy/chef. While attacking, watch the numbers appear on the screen. Ideally, you want to see 3 lines of numbers for every 2 button presses. You can use the visual cues for this (seeing the numbers or attack animations) or the audio cues of the hit sounds if it'll help narrow things down. Eventually, you should be able to do it though and with enough practice, you'll be able to hit it every time.

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