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The fate of arena


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Will arena be somehow balanced with the 6th decemeber patch? Ive just started 3 weeks ago, but damn some of the classes are broken as hell. One has the ability to stun combo you to death another has a cat thats plays better then the him! Oh and 30 second unconsciousness? Why would you give anybody that? for what purpose? The saddest part is arena is incredibly fun...when u face classes that are not op. I must know if the balance in arena gonna be somehow restored otherwise i must try another game.


Thanks is advance

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not with the 6th december patch but they do some work to optimize the classes , at least this is what they've said by far. Still i dont know what you play but even though i aggre that some classes has more advantage than others , when you learn them -you start to fight head to head with them but with more effort.

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From what ive seen in your post, you are relatively new player right? 


1. 30 second unconsciousness. To be honest this is almost never used (only if for example if you want bait your opponents F) otherwise it just for trolling and buying time :D

2. Over the time, cats will be smaller problem as you learn that they do almost always the same stuff again and again and you learn to counter them

3. In silver, litteraly anything can happen (op classes like WL or SIN can be super bad and weakest classes like SF and SUM will dominate you)

4. As in any game balance is an issue, so far i havent seen perfectly balanced game with multiple classes (exept chess :D), but BnS give great satisfaction if you win with mind games over the stronger class. 

5. Yes, you may find it frustrating to play vs some "op" classes, but its not like they are unbeatable.


Overall, they do balance changes, but you will need more than 3 weeks to really understand what is arena like. Many people give up because they think that their class is forever weak in arena before they even learn what their class can really do i pvp. 

Another thing is, that rewards for arena are really bad. Most of players play it so they get their hm skills and then play only pve. So others play it because its fun (not so many sadly). 

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BnS Arena is incredibly fun, it is also highly underestimated. As you mentioned the reward is bad but its so addictive the more i play the better i get and the more i wish to fight. However sadly ive done some research and found that i am apparently playing one of the lower tier classes, which explains my frustration in the beginning, i got really good with my class by spamming arena so im beginning to think the arena system is deeper then expected and perhaps eventually classes will not matter, but player knowledge, skills and tricks.  Still ive been adviced to switch over and main one of the higher tier classes if i want to spam arena as it will probably make life sweeter.


This game is so great. It has a bad reputation because of p2w and alot of gamers are keeping their distance because of that, but they do not know what they are missing. This game is a gem. Arena alone is amazing

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And what class do you play anyway? If there are people that tell you to switch mains i would guess Soul fighter or Gunner.


To be honest if you are new i kind of encourage you to switch mains and experiment. I joined when Soul fighter came out and he was my 1st character ive laveled to max. 

Then 2th was KFM, 3th warlock and now I have Blade master main with gunner as alt. Now i have invested some time to those characters and they suit my playstyle really well and even when i thought of switching to "stronger class" it would be at the cost of fun for me at this point. 


So try different classes and you will see. previous season SF, BM were in top tier, Last 1v1 word champion is SF and i belive they nerfed SF maily because of him :D But if you care about class being in top tier all the time or at least viable in high rank i recomend you to try Assasin, they are complex, all time strong in pvp, just a little bit hard to play them right. 


And for the p2w aspect of the game, there are some aspects but i think its NCSoft and korean owners fault, because tempo or releasing new content is too damn high for a game that is meant to be grindy. It will slow down but not until we reach Korean patch and that will take more than year in my opinion. 



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