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I accidentally salvaged a soul shield and all they ever respond with starting is, "We're sorry but it's against our policy"


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Anytime I ever try to send in a ticket, they say they are never able to help me. I accidentally salvaged 3 msp soul shields and bought the wrong raven soul shields and I basically just took a huge step backwards in stats. I realize this is completely my fault for one, playing late at night and for two; not paying enough attention. I'm so frustrated, I had 194 raven feathers I finally collected through quests, the dailies and events and bought 6-8 soul shields when I could have just gotten 1-5, and my stats went dramatically down. I don't know what to do and I feel very frustrated. I normally don't go in the forums, but this time I've had it. I keep hearing how they help their customers, but I haven't seen any help whatsoever and I don't mean just this one incident.. I feel like they never help with anything and that's not how you're supposed to treat your customers. Is there not another way to contact support that's more reliable and is there anything I can do to fix this situation?

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You bought 6-8 raven soul shields, but couldn't equip them? This means you haven't even cleared raven king boss once?


Also, since you have 194 raven feathers, how many msp flowers do you have? You should have plenty by now since they drop everywhere. You could easily use them for those 3 msp soul shields. Just use up your msp flowers since they don't have any value once you start moving to raven gears.


For the support, it is RNG on which GMs reply to your ticket. Some GMs are nicer and better than the others. However, instead of wasting time on ticket on a small issue, try to fix it yourself since this incident was caused mainly by yourself, not from them.

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@FrozenB I can equip the raven soul shields and I have done raven king, but they're not the soul shields I wanted. I meant to get 1-5 soul shields for the effects, but I bought 6-8 because I honestly thought 6-8 meant the third effect becomes activated, not the first one. As in 1-3 first effect, 4-5 second effect and 6-8 third effect. I'll admit I'm not the brightest cookie, but that's honestly what I thought.

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but if you didn't have 6-8 raven soul shields before, then it is fine. Just keep them, you will need them for 8 set bonus anyways. In the mean time, just use 1-5msp and 6-8 raven and then continue to get the 1-5 raven ss in the raids or stock up additional raven feathers. 5set bonus is just a little AP boost anyways.


With this, you can still have the 3set bonus from raven ss and 5 set bonus from msp.

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@FrozenB You're right, it's not like I'm really losing anything anyways since I'll still need the 6-8 raven later on. I think I'm just irritated I wasn't careful enough even though I've been trying and that their response is always practically the same every time. Thank you though.

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