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hi i need friends (and gold) ))^:


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long time no see bns, i haven't played you since the first week of open beta where i couldn't log in because of a massive queue

 (and lag, laptop key controls, the good stuff) and maybe like a few hours in October of last year


if you're in 'mURICA server in yura, hit me up @ smoll buoy cause i need friends

that and give me tips on what's happened, what's good, what's not, i noticed you can buy a ticket for a level 50 character??

that's interesting

(also if u want to donate to the poor, please do i actually just need 13 gold because i want to make my summoner cat cute)

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Storyline Quests, Orange Quests and Dungeon dailies provide gold. No point in asking for it.


For tips, just play on through and you'll find out as you go since it's pretty much is all going to be new to you and ask questions if you're curious or confused about something.

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I can't help you with the gold problem as I'm not in Yura and I'm In-Game broke (no surprise -shrug-) but I can help you somewhat on what's new, I started playing after Silverfrost was released.


NEW CLASS (2016~17)

  • Soul Fighter: A class with a mix of Kung Fu Master and Force Master twith the Skills EARTH and FROST. You have the ability to fight in close combat and can TAB to switch to Frost skill, you also have the ability to ressurect party members (only played that class for like a week before I dropped so I'm not a good person tell you about it in detail.)
  • Gunslinger Class: Skills of FIRE and SHADOW which you can hook across the battlefield and shoot up into the air and attack enemies for a few seconds. (my descriptions sucks, sorry).


DUNGEONS, RAIDS, & BATTLEGROUND Oh My! (I'm not sure EXACTLY was out when you played but I will just put in the new ones that came out when I was playing)

  1. BATTLEGROUND (6v6): I stay away from this like the plague so maybe someone else can you fill you in on these two)
    • Whirlwind Valley
    • Beluga Lagoon
    • Ebondrake Citadel
    • Mushin's Tower: FL 9-15 (FINAL BOSS IS: Naksun) & FL 16-20 (FINAL BOSS IS: Yunsang)
    • Desolate Tomb
    • Midnight Skypetal Plain (can have 12 Party Group. It use to be 24 but after this gunslinger patch came out they changed it to 12)
  5. KHANDA VIHAR (this is the new expansion area)
    • Dawn of Khanda Vihar (12-Member Party): you can only play this dungen one time before you are locked out until next Wednesday. Black Tower is the same way.
    • Black Tower (Raid 12-Member Party): The boss is Lusang (the guy who betrayed the Hongmoon School) who turned into the Raven King who is the final boss **SPOILER**
    • Naryu Foundry
  6. GUNWON CITY (another new expansion area)
    • Celestial Basin (this area is wherey you farm peaches so you may exchange your peaches for various items such as breakthrough weapons, upgrade material, the new Mystic Badges, Soul Shields from MSP that is recommended for PvE in some parties (that or the Raven Soul Shield set), and etc,
    • Naryu Sanctum
    • Irontech Forge
    • Ebondrake Lair
    • Temple of Eluvium
    • Scion's Keep
      • Yeaaaah, the last few I have no experience in since I haven't even done any dungeons after DAWN OF KHANDA VIHAR.
    • Not really a dungeon but it is a new room (F12) in which you can go in and practice your combos and get familiar with Boss mechanics without being punished.


    • Instead of seeing the normal skill tree that has you scrambling around quickly to change in PvP, you can now easily find the skills that you want that is now strictly class element based so you cann't have a mixture of EARTH & WIND, SHADOW & LIGHTNING, etc. 
      • **NOTE** for some classes, some skills have been removed and classes have been nerfed, don't know why but that was how things were done. For further information, make another forum for more in-depth information about what classes have nerfed and what has been changed about them.
    • Instead of given extra AP each time you level  up, there is a new system when you press P where you will see two column boxes that is for Offense and Defense when you reach your Hongmoon Level. You choose which column you want to put your points in to gain either more AP or more Defense and HP.
  2. CTRL + I (or the Weapon/Accessory/Soul/Pet Path)
    • This will allow you to see the materials you will need for whatever you're looking to upgrade. It works like Google Map, choose your location and destination and it will show you the miles in which you have to take to get there.
    • We now have new soul shields for PvP and PvE that are called Legendary Soul Shields which are class based that will fit your specific class and give your skills an extra boost.
    • For Legendary Soul shields, you can upgrade them using another Soul Shields that is the same (EX: Elder Soul Shield 1 can be upgraded with ANOTHER Elder Soul Shield 1). It will cost less (90silvers) to upgrade it with another and you will not lose stats. Each Soul Shield of the same kind will have different stats like you will have 2 HP and one Critical Defense or something like that. You will have to go see for yourself. That pretty much works for Battleground Soul Shields and MSP Legendary Soul Shields.
    • This has been revamped extremely, a lot of the crafting guilds have been removed and all that is left is Earthseer, Radiant Ring, Acquired Taste, Forgekeeper, Soul Warden, aaaand I think something else (maybe not).
    • You can craft 3 things at once more instead of just one for each guild and you can even order large quantities but it will take either 1 day or 4 days so choose wisely, also you will need to unlock some achievements to make a larger quantity.
    • Crafting System Streamling that explains what has been changed.

Okay, gonna stop here since this is taking longer than expected and I'm at work using a limited amount of date usage so I will catch up on this later or someone else can just add to the list of things. I tried to give you as much key information as possible I know I missed some.

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HI! I'm back, sorry that I did not return the last time. I added more information on the Soul Shields from my last post now lets see what else I can dig up from my brain that I can rememeber but since I left on crafting, we will start from there.


    • There will be boxes that you will receive after completing dungeons that are for the crafting guilds that contain materials for it. It can only be opened with a (Guild) Key that you can make to open the box.
    • Hongmoon weapon (if you have not already noticed) have been removed and replaced with Sterling, Pinnacle, and what have you, the old path is gone **poof**. With this new Gunslinger patch, the dev team has made a weapon in which you can upgrade and immediately get a legendary weapon (Seraph/Baleful) that you will receive in Act 7 Chapter 1: The Mysterious Stranger or you can buy it from the Fortune Wheel Vender in Grand Harvest Square for a few Naryu Silvers. [You will have to be Lvl 50 and completed that quest to be able to use it].
    • There are 3 Weapon paths; Raid, PvE, and PvP.
      • Raid: Raven Weapon which actually kicks more butt in PvP than the PvP weapon itself
      • PvE: Seraph/Baleful: these two have different stats which you will need to decide which one you want or do a bit of research in which one is better for your class, that or grab another weapon and make one Seraph and the other Baleful.
      • PvP: Galaxy ~ Ascendant: I have no knowledge about this weapon but I've heard its quite disappointing but this is what I hear and not what I know.
    • Goodbye Hongmoon, helloo~ diversity! Just like the Weapon path, there are 3 different kinds; Element, PvE, and PvP
    • You will receive the accessories you need UP UNTIL Pinnacle and then you're on your own in farming the ones you need to upgrade your Element, PvE, or PvP accessories that you find suits you.
      • **I guess I forgot to mention that, slipped my mind** Blade & Soul has finally incorporated the Class's Element into their combat to help boost it and give more damage, so if you have ever seen that Element column in you Character info and scratch your head wondering what it's for, there you go!
    • If you decide to farm for your legendary accessory in dungeons, here is a forwarning; bring 100G and more (A LOT MORE) because the base cost of the bid in dungeons with a party is a 100G and if it's a popular element that someone else needs, the price is going to skyrocket.
    • Legendary Elements are going to be needed to upgrade your legendary accessory which costs 20G in Dragon Express or you can use your time to get the Siren Bracelet in E. Fleet (which in Moonwater---> Wayfer [Warfer?] (it's near the Faction Camp, you'll find it) and upgrade it to True Yeti and salvage it to get some elements, idk, never done this.
    • The fee to Windstride to different locations has been removed
    • The fee to instantly complete quests instead of having to go ALL the way to the NPC to complete without consequence has been removed
    • Mailing Fees....are still there, sorry there buddy. They have been reduced and instantly delivery for received mail (such as a sold item) WAS removed buuut until 9/20 there was a small oopsies that brought it back, but that HAD been removed.
    • Cost for Weapon and Accessory upgrades have been reduced though you will have to pay 100G when you make your first legendary (sorry!)
    • Frozen Stingers and Honorary Ornaments are the thing of the past and have been changed
      • Frozen Stingers -----> Sacred Orbs/Crystals
      • Honorary Ornaments------> Elysian Orbs/Crystals
    • The difference between orbs and crystals (if you're wondering about that) is that when the material is an orb,  you are able to sell it on the Marketplace but if you make it into a crystal or get a crystal, it is account bound and can only be traded between your alts.
    • Virdian/Cinderland/Moonwater/Silverfrost Valor stones have been removed and the currency replacement for them are Naryu Silvers, Infernal Horns, the blue horns (forgot what they were called), Poharan's Perfume, and Hae Mujin's Orb.
    • Ivory Dragon Scale that is used to go into Heaven's Mandate to beat Jinsoyun has been replaced with White Orb
    • White Orb has also replaced the Green/Blue/Red Orbs to fight Kaari in Cold Storage to make things simple and less complicated to try to find someone who has all of them. Yes, you can still farm them in Zaiwei Ruins which is somewhat still of a ghost town.
    • Heaven Energy that is used to buy stuff in Dragon Express before has been removed along with weapon chests.
      • The weapon chests can now be bought with peaches in Celestial Basin.
    • You can buy Skill Unlock material (Evil Root, Mushroom, Etc) at the Achievement Vendor in Zaiwei once you reach 1250 Achievement Points and can be bought with Naryu Silvers.
  6. SOUL
    • Soul works the same as the old one, giving you more HP but now it has been added if you have seen it in the Gear Path (I'm going to call it that for now) and it can now give you a boost on the battlefield in PvP.
    • You upgrade souls with Void stones and Sacred Oils (and I think Pristine Oils as well, didn't double check that so don't quote me on that).
      • Sacred Oils can be made in Transmutation ( will get to that)
  7. PETS
    • These adorable little companions that floats over your shoulder gives you more HP and once you reach Unleash, more stats.
    • The look itself can be used as a basic HP booster 2.5k (was it that much? don't quote me on that either but I know it 2k something) and it cannot be upgraded (not anymore at least).
    • Once you reach the part of the story that takes you the Gunwon City, you will receive a free Pet Aura that you will be able to upgrade with the now new things called Pet Pods (these can also be made in Transmuation). Pet Aura can also be bought in Dragon Express for 100g and something else.
  8. CLAN
    • There are now two different kinds of clans; Competitive and Social
      • Competitive Clan is where you, or your leader, can take you into a Clan PvP Match. Clan Match is also a new thing with it's own ranking and rewards such as more peaches and what have you.
      • Social Clan is just a normal clan that is just as it is called, social. Nothing competitive involved (mine is competitive so I don't know anything about a normal social clan).

CHANGES IN GENERAL (WOOOOO NELLY this going to be a long one since I can't even rememeber what the old one was like anymore lol, feels like forever ago.)

    1. GEMS
      • You will notice that some gems are missing, some shapes have been removed due to gems having too many sides and with additional stats being added to each new gem, they decided to cut it down...a lot. You will have your regular triangular gem that you can farm in Pondskip Vales, you just cannot transmute them into anything if you salvage it, actually gem salvaged pieces have been removed completely from what I've seen.
      • Only HONGMOON GEMS can be transmuated into a stronger and better gem.
      • ELEMENT GEM (the very first one can be bought in Celestial Basin) is the Black Gem that gives you elemental boost to your weapon.
      • These are used once you reach the legendary weapon path, it will start to be required in Seraph/Baleful 5 or 6
      • These use to be very pricey with a very low success rate and use to cost 50G just to make one. Material and cost has been reduced substantially and the success rate has been increased, you call also buy these in Marketplace (F10).
      • This is currency which is used for a merchant in Khanda Vihar to buy Soul Shield chests, outfits, accessories.
    4. PET PODS
      • If you want a stronger pet and more stats then this is a must have to upgrade your Pet Aura.
      1. ......Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh.....all I know is that you need them if you wish to switch your weapon between Dawnforge and Raven.
    • Do not exist yet (and maybe never)
    • Does not exist yet (though god would it be helpful in 12-Member Party instead of having to search through Discord)
    • Still need Premium Membership to use
    • One extra column was added
    • New Equipment Upgrade Material for Legendary Weapon
    • (for chat it is /x) this is for 12-Member Party
    • Will start your character at Lvl 50 HM 1 and you will be given all the gear (and i think mats) you need at that level and will start you on Campaign Quest....uhhh I think it was was Act 4...5? (damn, fail >.<)


Aaaaand I got a brain fart, if anything new pops into my mind that needs pointing out I will add it. If you have a question just ask me and I'll try to answer :) Sorry if I didn't clear something or answer anything. Also I cannot tell you what's good or bad since I just play for straight up fun (you'll see me mostly doing PvE rather than PvP) though what's mostly bad is the 6v6 Match Up from what I've seen and heard and Tower of Infinity.

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