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Legendary accessory drop rate

Shadow XII

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So about 2 weeks ago i decided i was going to spam Desolate Tomb to try and get 100 runs for the extra 9 ap achievement. I took a look at how many runs i needed and it was about 40 runs.
so i started doing between 1-5 DT runs everyday, while also doing the a bit of extra Foundry runs as i was still looking for the drakan belt. If you add the other Sanctum and Citdael runs i did normally for the dailies during that, i calculated that i did about 70-80 runs of dungeons that have a chance to drop a legendary accessory. 
the result: I have not seen a single legendary accessory drop in any of these 70+ runs i have done. 

now before some guy comes up saying "omg why are you bitching about not seeing a legendary in only 70 runs, i am so hardcore i ran 1,000 runs without seeing anything and i am not crying"
let me tell you i really dont care. "RNG is RNG" so i have heard that shit before you dont have to tell me again. but at the end of the day we are dealing with straight percentage chances here, and it seems awfully low to me. I am pretty sure by this time everyone and their dead grandmother has the ring and the necklace so either it just goes to the ground as 100 split between 6 players or 5 depending of some guy wants it for his alt or not. but regardless its still a nice 17-20 gold that adds up to the endless amounts u need to even catch up to the "long term upgrades" the ncsoft keeps implementing, buts thats a discussion for another thread.


mind you i am a free to play player, the only money i spent on the game is a 90 day premium that i bought only once and will never do again. so i am here sitting on serpah stage 12 with only the 2 legendary necklace and ring, and a stage 3 soul. and i am COMPLETELY fine with that. I am not here crying for raven or any of that pay2win bullcrap. all i am saying is the game is nothing but grinding the same dungeons over and over again, so its always nice when u get a small money boost from these "big dungeons" to make you feel like you are a bit closer to ur next upgrade. because right now, as i was done with my 100 runs in DT, i was about to start spamming foundry for the belt when i just felt sick to my stomach of the thought of doing the same thing again with foundry as i just did with DT, so i ended up closing the game. (FYI i have about 50 foundry runs in total by now and i have only seen 1 belt on like the second run back when i had no money to get it)

the funny thing is even the chance for the tokens to crit is hilariously low as well i only have 60 something tokens which means only 1 crit in 50 runs, but who cares.


anyways my point is. i have ,as a non paying player, put a bar for myself as to where i would like to be. i dont care about ur stage 100 raven one shotting weapons, i dont care about the True cosmic godlike emperor ascendant soul you are releasing soon for the next long term upgrade. i really like the game and i put effort into running the same dungeons over and over again to get what i want instead of just buying the tokens for real money. so it would be nice if you could improve the RNG chance for alot of those stuff us Seraph/baleful peasants care about. 
because right now playing the game seems more of a chore than enjoyment.


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RNG is RNG. From my personal experience, I see one almost everyday. Saw 3 legendary dropped in a row yesterday. It has nothing to do with being Seraph/Baleful, or any gear actually. Your RNG is just bad.

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39 minutes ago, Hime Ai said:

RNG is RNG. From my personal experience, I see one almost everyday. Saw 3 legendary dropped in a row yesterday. It has nothing to do with being Seraph/Baleful, or any gear actually. Your RNG is just bad.

i never said your current weapon has anything to do with the dropping chance. the reason i mentioned baleful/seraph is just to avoid any raven whales thinking that i "god forbid" wanted to get the same privileges in an easier way or without having to pay. so it was just to indicate that i am sitting at a lower tier weapon and asking for lower tier accessories, since obviosly BT accessories are higher. 
plus i guess the same RNG you are talking about has nothing to do with my weapon staying on 5 sockets from stage 2 to stage 12.not to mention the other players with stage 12 and only 3 sockets. i messaged support on that before and they said there is no such thing as a bad RNG flag for a character, but the more i play this game the more i am more inclined to believe thats kinda not true.

and just because you saw 3 legionaries  in one day doesn't mean that the drop chance is acceptable. i have had 2 simultaneous  legionaries drop before, otherwise the drop rate is absolute trash. 
1 day of good drops doesn't eclipse weeks of not seeing anything. especially because they have never released any percentage numbers on anything RNG based in the game. and that even goes for paid things like the lotus chest, which people have complained having very bad RNG with when it came to outfits and other things.

and again i am reiterating that i am talking about normal items in the game and not anything huge or end game related. things like legendary accessories from the DT and citadel should not be so rare to see in any situation seeing as how not having them just gets u kicked out of most lobbies , and if it has to be then the rate of acquiring their tokens should not be so slow.  

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