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Hello, few days ago I started playing BnS. I am at low level now but I wanted to ask few questions. 


1. Is it needed to upgrade my soulshields at lvl 30? 

2. Is this game playlable solo? 

3. Do I need to run all of the dungeons? Or are the important ones in cross server? (I mean for example sentinel ruins) 

4. Is there some "go-to" build for force master? I quite dont understand the skill tree..


Thanks to anyone for answers, sorry if these are dumb questions and sorry for my english. :) 


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the storyline is a solo path you need to take but when you finish it you go and run dungeons with other players


the first thing you do is focus on the main story and complete it you will get rewards on every chapter you finish ( like weapons soul shields and so on ) use them as you level with the storyline (( After completing Act 4, Chapter 1: The Road to Darkness, you will receive your Ivorymoon weapon keep that and upgrade it as you go ))


when you finish the story line you should be at a good level (level 50 HM 3-5) to run most dungeons in cross server

so now you can run dungeons that are called heroic dungeons like Awakened Necropolis and Avalanche Den and use the soul shields that drop from them 

after that run Soguns lament to get your soul shields from that dungeon and your Pinnacle Earring and Pinnacle Belt from that dungeon as well 

after that try to run the shattered masts to get your Pinnacle Necklace and Pinnacle Bracelet from it

then you focus on upgrading your weapon to legendary


i have not played a FM so i cant give you info about that class

so as for the skills ask players about them and go to random mobs and test them see what works for you and your play style


hope that helps and have fun :)

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15 hours ago, Sain Otsutsuki said:

Hello, few days ago I started playing BnS. I am at low level now but I wanted to ask few questions. 


1. Is it needed to upgrade my soulshields at lvl 30? 

2. Is this game playlable solo? 

3. Do I need to run all of the dungeons? Or are the important ones in cross server? (I mean for example sentinel ruins) 

4. Is there some "go-to" build for force master? I quite dont understand the skill tree..


Thanks to anyone for answers, sorry if these are dumb questions and sorry for my english. :) 


1 Just go along with what you given from the story quest no need to actively seek an SS at this stage.

2. Am a solo KFM 900Ap never had a guild. I use F8 button quite alot.

3. Run end game dungeons no need to run low level dungeons.

4. There will be once you get to end game. But you can always try out animation cancelling to increase dps.

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I would focus on the story first, which is just solo, it will gives you all the upgrades and soulshields you need.

The game is playable solo, but requires you to join crossworld dungeons. The game is pretty fun for duo, but pretty much you need a friend that you always play with. So far we have done most dungeons together (blade dancer and force master). We did all dungeons below Ebondrake Citadel, only got 50% hp down at the Ebondrake boss when we ran out of time.

So yeah there are a lot of ways to play the game, but some of them can take you quite some time to progress, which is not bad we enjoy it.

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