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Need help picking a class.

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Im at a loss. making a new charactor and i'm completely stuck at picking a class. I'd like to hear about what class is the most fun to play. i'd prefer one that isn't too diffacult to play thats why i didn't pick assassin. i don't care if you personally don't like a class.

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if you're only bout pve and don't care much or at all bout pvp....

and you want easy class...

warlock... summoner... force master.... blade dancer can help with all CCs needed and easy to play... lots of evasive moves and defenses... 

sin is NOT hard to play wth lol sin VERY easy but if you have sh*tty net and high ping... I wouldn't go sin coz you need know exactly when to use your dodging moves and decoy etc.... 

destroyer might not b hard to play (mine is 45 and I don't know much bout the class so can't help there lol)

I don't know if blade master is hard to play but I certainly don't like that class and don't know much bout it I really suck at that class could b decent in pvp maybe but pve I'm at a loss too lol

summoner and warlock are easiest classes I'd say... summoner even easier than a warlock lol if you on bout just pve then force master is very easy too

I find kung fu master very fun class but idk bout its "difficulty" since you often "forced" to tank or people see you as a tank (even thou to my eyes that class is and should b the tanker, that or bm...) it's ping~reliable however and you need to know exactly when to use some of your skills depends on your spec for resisting attacks but having the ability to block... the buff that can b either self or party... or protection... and searing palm... I really love and enjoy playing that class.

I don't know what playstyle you prefer is it range or melee? tanky or dps? more defensive or offensive? o.O you making character for what purpose just pve or also pvp? coz some classes shine better at the pvp aspect than pve and vise versa (some shine in both as well ^-^) xD

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Every class is easy to play imo and sins are not difficult. To me it's one of the most fun class to play. Try out each class and see which one you like the most, don't listen to others. Though if you have high ping like for say more than 150+ ms I would not recommend playing sin, kfm, nor WL in that case. Good luck!

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