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Cannot Re-enter Story Arc

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I am on Chapter 35: Divine Madness, in the middle of storming the capital to get to Jinsoyun.  I left the story to help a friend, and when I returned to the location (Autumnbreeze Park), it's sunny and peaceful.  I have tried to get to the Altar of Divine Will map by walking through the doorway in Sweetblossom Pavilion, but the door knocks my character down.  I have also traced the dragon pulse and tried to ride it to the story arc (from the story arc map), but I just enter the regular Autumnbreeze Park.  Please help.


The instructions are, "Go to Autumnbreeze Park and defeat the Demonic Warmongers. 0/5"  My character is lvl 50 HM 1.


I have also tried windstriding to the green hot spring icon right above the red circle (story objective), to no avail.

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I think you need to go to the Zaiwei Ruins. I'm not sure if you can get there through standard entrance. If you cant get into altar of divine will, try going to brightstone occupation and enter through same portal that you used first time to enter into zaiwei ruins.

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