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Simple build for solo play/leveling?


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I'm almost to level 40 and am rather enjoying KFM, was wondering however if anyone had a reccomended build for soloing content. I've looked around a bit but so far the only things I've found are either old or not well explained. Any thoughts would be pretty helpful.

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Soloing isn't one fun thing to do in this game my friend :). But if you really want to enjoy all the contents, you should at least get to capped level first, which is 50 atm in NA/EU region. And I also made one build here that I think it has included all the core skills you will need until 50 https://bnstree.com/tree/KF?b=BJlAeORqg. Your main dps should come from your 2(tiger strike) and f(searing blow, proc upon tiger strike's crit). This is only good until you have unlocked all HM skills, equipped with elemental gears (i'm pretty sure you will be able to find out yourself what you should be doing once you get here anyway) and found yourself a waifu (yes, a real one). 


Talk to me in-game if you ever see me wandering around, my IGN: Dori ! :D

Best of luck to you !

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Gratz on the Rumble i.t. Realm victories (if you are _that_ Dori)! ^_^


@Atroika  try this build: https://bnstree.com/tree/KF?b=BJ9e5s0cl


The basic attack rotation is 222F, or 22F or 222rF, basically you do most damage with 2 and recover focus with F. Since 2 is AoE, that works very well against multiple mobs.


You can also pull in mobs with Tremor (V), for AoE damage and 20% extra damage with 2.


If mobs are a threat to your HP, use counter (1) to block their attacks and increase your defense stat. Instead of the 1 resist counter you can also use the heal version. Follow up with an iron shoulder for AoE damage and more focus, or you switch to heal iron shoulder with knockdown (better for very large mob groups).


Your burst, if you ever have a semi strong boss, comes from focused fighting spirit + comet strike. The blue buff will reset your comet strike cooldown, and you can use it ten times that way (use wind for now as fire comet strike only works well with searing palm which you get at 45).


Use Q and E to avoid strong attacks, to heal and recover focus and to get 100% evade buff if you are under attack by many mobs.


Roaring tiger (x) is for that one AoE punch to get your focus starting again if you run out for some reason. But you can also take that point away and put it into second wind for stun/daze escape.


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