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Dragon Pet Pouches


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I just want to clarify since I'm probably just being a dumb kid. I recently saw the dragon pet pouches on the store and decided to buy some, hoping I'd get a Griffin. I got one but saw the only form of upgrade I could do to it was with another Griffin pet and some stones. I upgraded it once, and then saw the next upgrade taking another Griffin and more stones, but I didn't have enough money or another Griffin to upgrade it again. Either way, neither of these upgrades seem to have boost the stats at all. Am I missing something? Or are the buffs these pets give not actually meant to increase with these. Just want to clear some confusion. Thanks in advance.

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Those are just pet skins, if you're looking for the one with stats you have to buy it from the Dragon Express, it's called "Pet Aura." You can then add the Griffin skin to the pet aura like how you do with weapon skins then you'll have the stats with the Griffin pet visible.

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@Rifia I have a similar question and it's the reason why i didn't buy the pouches so far.

1. Is it possibile to salvage the pet skin you bought to obtain the enhancement stone needed to buy the aura in Dragon Express ? I mean not all but at least once.

2. Is it possible to separate the pet you bought in skin and basic aura ? Or it's only the skin without even the basic aura ?


What i was thinking to do is to buy the pouch of 10 pets, keep one and separate / salvage the other, then transmute for pet enhancement stone and upgrade the aura a little, but i don't know if this is possible. And the pet's things are not well explain so if someone can answer it'll be very appreciate.



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On 2/27/2017 at 7:04 PM, paingwar said:

@Rifia I have a similar question and it's the reason why i didn't buy the pouches so far.

1. Is it possibile to salvage the pet skin you bought to obtain the enhancement stone needed to buy the aura in Dragon Express ? I mean not all but at least once.
2. Is it possible to separate the pet you bought in skin and basic aura ? Or it's only the skin without even the basic aura ?

What i was thinking to do is to buy the pouch of 10 pets, keep one and separate / salvage the other, then transmute for pet enhancement stone and upgrade the aura a little, but i don't know if this is possible. And the pet's things are not well explain so if someone can answer it'll be very appreciate.


1. You can also salvage the pet skin to get enhancement stones.

2. Only salvaged "Untamed" pets separate the aura and the pet skin.


The pouches from F10 only contains pet skins now but the stones from it can be used for upgrading both the skin and the aura. However, keep in mind that their paths are different. Pet skins only need 3 copies so they can reach their final stage.


Pet Skin:
Pet Skin > 1 Same Pet Skin + stones + gold = Awakened Pet skin
Awakened Pet skin + 1 Same Pet Skin + stones + gold = Gutsy/Loyal/Furious/Ultimate Pet skin (might need rerolling to get a different type but it's possible to get the same thing. Ultimate does not let you reroll anymore)


Pet auras follow the old same path where you have to upgrade it from stage 1-10 then awakened stage 1-10 to Legendary pet aura. Once you get the final stage, you can have the option to upgrade to Unleashed Pet Aura which costs 300g and more stones. Your Ultimate Pet skin and aura must be combined together so you can upgrade it with other heroic/purple pets.

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  • 4 months later...

ola boa tarde gostaria de dizer que este game e injusto para quem não tem conta premium os items ganhos ao derrotar os chefes de fase não são satisfatórios exemplo nunca vem os acessórios lendários mas para quem tem conta premium e muito dinheiro no game tira vantagem parece que vocês prioriza determinados jogadores apenas muito triste isso pois desincentiva jogar o game e também so jogadores bons conseguir ir nas dungeons novatos como eu a maiorios do jogadores me chutam para fora do grupo triste por que você não consegue brincar no game se eu e nao jogar profissionalmente gostaria que vocês consertasse isso

Hello good afternoon I would like to say that this game is unfair for those who do not have premium account the items won by defeating the stage bosses are not satisfactory example never comes the legendary accessories but for those who have premium account and lots of money in the game takes advantage it seems You prioritize certain players only very sad it because it discourages to play the game and also the good players manage to go in the novice dungeons like me most of the players kick me out of the sad group because you can not play in the game if I do not play professionally I would like you to fix this.

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