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MSP Watering guide?


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I been trying to do more MSP because i need the SS as well as want to get the outfit but i only know so much and most guides and video's I have seen do not help me in one area of MSP, that is the watering part. I mostly been killing the Adds or doing damage to Sacred Longgui. But the water part i want to learn about better, more so when to kill the yellow mod, and when to water. I know about eh 70\30 thing but where do i look for what stack its at and when would i water?  I only have done watering once and it was more of helping others who know what to do by killing mobs when they were so yeah would like more info on this part.

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The poison stacks are shown as a greenish debuff icon with a small number inside. It would appear close to where your debuff icons usually appear, which in turns depends on how you configure your UI. For me they show up mid left.

You ideally start to water directly after the stacks appear, so the poison is up for the shortest amount of time. What you need to avoid at all cost is to have the stacks of 70% and 30% combine. Basically if no one is watering at all. So even if you are late, as long as you manage to water before Longui reaches 30% it will be of huge benefit for the raid's survival.

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What I usually do as a water person is the moment they start hitting Longgui, I kill the weed mobs. When the bulbari is out, I leave him there. Ask the alliance to keep you update with Longgui HP %. For me personally, when they say 78 or 75%, I would then kill the bulbari (1 hit), then proceed with killing the GrassSquatch (get spawned immediately after bulbari dies). Usually, by the time I kill the squatch, Longgui would already cast the poison and I water the plan right then and there.

When to start killing Squatch for the watering can is really depend on how much DPS your alliance has on Longgui as well as how much AP you have and how quick you can take down that Squatch.

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