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Sin vs FM Arena


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So I must be an idiot since I haven't found anyone asking this recently.

What do I do against Chill in arena? I can get rid of it once with E but attack once again and so much for that. I can't prevent them from getting orbs in the first place (I mostly play 3v3), so I have to deal with them somehow. Any ideas?

Their constant range immunity doesn't help either. I would probably be fine though if I didn't get hit by impact every damn time but SS+F isn't always available.

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FMs are probably our worst arena matchup, so don't get discouraged if you lose to them.

In any case, your ss also gets you out of Chill, so you should try to use that as often as possible, since it has much lower cd than E. Experienced FMs adore it if we use E at the start since they know that for the next 30 seconds we only have our ss left and then we're at their mercy.

If impact gets you often, you need to move around more, especially sideways. I'm a mediocre sin at best and FMs rarely hit me with their impact.

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Well the thing is the charge disables. SS doesn't remove the charge disables but E does. So sometimes you can't use shadow dash, which is complete ass.


Tab switch supposedly dispels charge disables but it really doesn't and that really hurts us with that when we can't follow up with shadow dash. :(

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