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New Player Needs Advice


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So I decided to give this game a try. I generally solo pve, so I read up and it seemed like this was the right class. I did notice that the class took a major nerf in October. Is it still one of the top viable solo pve classes at end game?


Also, I was looking for a guide on leveling/build help. I found a few threads, but nothing that I would call a real guide. I am lvl 14 and it seems like we have a lot of options available to us. That being said, I find myself just using tab and lmb/rmb so far. I am sure that I will need to add more to this, but I can't get a real sense for what skills/build I should start to focus on.


Finally, I feel like I am missing something when it comes to weapons. I am using my HM staff. Every now and then I get an item drop that is a green or blue weapon. Why would I ever use that weapon over my HM staff? It seems like the other stuff is total garbage compared to the evolved staff.


Thanks in advance for the help.

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This class is the slowest to solo things and also the easiest. 


For leveling 


The first ones should be taunt then house cat. then you go for doom n bloom and sunflower.


keep your hm weapon and accessories and upgrade them as much as you get. There will be times when you need a breakthrough weapon which it tells you what weapon and items you need for your weapon upgrades, same for your accessories. As you get further into your upgrades things get pricey.

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So basically your HM gear is your best gear? You just hit various points where you are waiting on an item to drop to be able to unlock a higher level of your HM gear? I guess you use all the other blue and green gear to evolve your HM gear? I seem to have had plenty of reinforcement material so far, but not sure if that runs out as you get to higher levels.


On the build you linked, I think I get it. I assume you open up with sending in the cat via tab and hitting Q and then you go to town with lmb and rmb?

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34 minutes ago, Scarar said:

So basically your HM gear is your best gear? You just hit various points where you are waiting on an item to drop to be able to unlock a higher level of your HM gear? I guess you use all the other blue and green gear to evolve your HM gear? I seem to have had plenty of reinforcement material so far, but not sure if that runs out as you get to higher levels.

These are old videos, but they explain you, how the upgrade system works:


(!!!ATTENTION!!!: now you can get all breakthrough weapons/accessoires till moonwater plains from storyquests and surveys, so you have not to bother with farming them!!!!)







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