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Class for 1v1


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Hi im coming back to blade and soul after loong time and want to do mainly 1v1 since i have no time for group content. I have summomer but i dont like it (went gold on lvl 20) its like dhs in wow atm. 


Im not very used to anicancel stuff.


Soul fighter , BD or warlock?


I like having ranged abilities too but bd can block. My priority is fun gameplay not being useless class in 1v1 and less anicancel stuff. 


Also is this game dead or not? How about ques (probably silver- gold)


Ty guys and happy holidays

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Unless u mean,when they have someone phantom gripped; No,BDs cannot block. Ironically,warlocks are the one that you have listed that can block. They are more of a glass cannon class,trading off mobility for huge burst. SF is a mobility fighter and bd is an all around.


p.s: SF does have a "counter" similar to blocking tho you have to time it pretty well cause its not spammable.


Queues from silver to mid gold are fine,its just that highter up,peoples just keep facing top 5 players on alts making queues pretty long or rather ,really onesided.

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Well,mushin tower is usually ok for any classes but tower of infinity is literal RNG since u get different class opponent every floors so you can do it on any classes its just a matter of how lucky u get and get an opponent that you counter like 5 times in a row

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