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Warlock pvp.


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When warlock back to meta and will be playable? I mean is awesome to have semi summoner/caster class there but for now is brainless Garens i mean destroyers and dragontongue meta. 

So just question when we get balance like kr servers?



I mean in top 50 we have so much bm,summoners, invisible chickens and destro. In top we have 11 bms and just 3 locks where 2 of them are one player. So 2 locks in top 50 this mean something ye?

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Warlocks are decent if you manage to learn the class. You pretty much hard counter 'invisible chickens'. Youre usually favored against destro (the destro has to be really good to make it somewhst balanced). Bms should be doable. And sommoners... well... gl, just do what you can.


It does not mean anything just nobody plays warlock.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Learn the tech chase of your opponent, get some hm skills and hm levels and it's not so bad. 


I personally don't put points in thrall, and I don't even summon him right away in many situations. 


No matter what class, we have to adapt and make changes depending on our opponent. 


I highly suggest learning the aerial combo, and getting hm rmb, dcall/helix, and soul shackle. 


Sanctum is good against melee, and takes sins out of hide. 


HM skills and points right away... It's a high maintenance class. 

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On 14.12.2016 at 8:31 AM, Joelvtx said:

HM skills and points right away... It's a high maintenance class. 

Its more of an one-time-grind thing. You dont really need any 'maintenance' ever. Since almost 3 months i did not do anything in this game except arena on my sin either and everyone who had his skills and enough points to use them back then could have done the same thing. And i dont know of any new hm skills (yet). Its not gonna be hard to get those either since my beans are capped since like forever and i would have a lot of other stuff that im appearently too lazy to sell as well.

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