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massive fps drops in dungeons and cpu usage leeched max


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is anybody else having this issue ? my cpu goes 100% at loading screen lately then dc 10054.

also dungeons have like massive drops of fps to like 15-16 fps then freeze ?

not speaking about turtles. the f8 dungeons :v

any cure ? except saying update driver,buy new gc ? isp ?

because i have already checked all that :'(

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This is also the main reason im giving up on BnS, FPs issues since its launch and the past week has been the worst, i digged through my system for any solutions but no matter what nothing works, im convinced its client issues only mmo/game i had this issue with and trust me i played many games on this pc that require high end pc like gta 5 and ran with smooth perfect fps. Perhaps BnS just ain't laptop friendly :/

Ran asura today with 5-15 fps max lmao its so weird, while in the dungeon when im not in combat stable solid 60fps then enter combat fps goes as low as 5fps and non stop freezes, im so confused.  At best all I can do is arena which seems to be working fine don't experience as much trouble there. Infact 90%~ of the activities i done the past week is arena cuz its so frustrating tackling this issue.

My Specs

Processor Intel(R): Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU 
Video Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
Video Card #2: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M
RAM: 16 GB
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (build 9600), 64-bit


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5 minutes ago, NineArt said:

This is also the main reason im giving up on BnS, FPs issues since its launch and the past week has been the worst, i digged through my system for any solutions but no matter what nothing works, im convinced its client issues only mmo/game i had this issue with and trust me i played many games on this pc that require high end pc like gta 5 and ran with smooth perfect fps. Perhaps BnS just ain't laptop friendly :/

Ran asura today with 5-15 fps max lmao its so weird, when im not in combat stable 60fps then enter combat fps goes as low as 5fps and non stop freezes, im so confused my specs

Processor Intel(R): Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
Video Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
Video Card #2: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M
RAM: 16 GB
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (build 9600), 64-bit


hmm..i have 2 laptops. ran them on both and re installed client ...i really don't know. why i get all these hazards...if any thing i have played bns more smoothly on an inferior rig vs my current >.<

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Blade and Soul limitations are bad because of UE3 and the fact that the client is 32bit. Have you ever noticed that? Do you even know what comes with those 2 things combined? Well you better inform yourself before bashing things around.


For a fix, just wait the 64bit client that will come in a few months and your problems will be fixed.

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10 minutes ago, NightFer said:

Blade and Soul limitations are bad because of UE3 and the fact that the client is 32bit. Have you ever noticed that? Do you even know what comes with those 2 things combined? Well you better inform yourself before bashing things around.


For a fix, just wait the 64bit client that will come in a few months and your problems will be fixed.

i did read all  that  abt dx9..i also checked wid integrated graphics wid i7 cpu for better output considering the 32 bit thing should work better wid tht ..sadly thats not working either ..and dont ask me to check with diff gc bcz my gtx980 was something that i can neither 'upgrade' as am too poor to upgrade wid another 300$ (when before beluga patch it was running fine wid like 40-70fps avg =60fps)...abt server client 64bit...prolly wid all best efforts its gonna come when ? feb 2017 earliest ?xd are you asking me to quit till then ? @@;;

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I am not asking you to do anything, I am just pointing out some things you dont know yet. So be patient for now.


PS: I am not going to explain that again about the problems with fps drops and everything else. Use the search function. I explained them in many other topics already.

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Did u check how is your cpu running like how hot??? maybe there is something that eats all your cpu like a service have u tryed to check that

PS: the other reason it can be the os was running long time ago win10 and over time in bns it lost fps. Where win 10 had 60 fps win 7 had over 100 


PS: Cuz i have 0 problems with fps and im running desktop i5 + gtx 970

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50 minutes ago, Tsuzor said:

Did u check how is your cpu running like how hot??? maybe there is something that eats all your cpu like a service have u tryed to check that

PS: the other reason it can be the os was running long time ago win10 and over time in bns it lost fps. Where win 10 had 60 fps win 7 had over 100 


PS: Cuz i have 0 problems with fps and im running desktop i5 + gtx 970

well.about me. i keep moving from place to place irl so can't keep pc..and i did check the cpu of my laptop etc fans going hot or hot wid a temp software. e.e unfortunately thats not the issue. because firstly the laptop i played bns on i ran it smoother wid worse condition of cooling back a few months ago. but now it has chillpad and better net connection now vs past. but the fps drops are crazee :( also checked on another laptop it has same issues. i would say it was isp. but i tried  the local university fiber net and office net to chk but nope. e.e

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well if your laptop is running too hot than its your laptops cooling problem. https://www.techpowerup.com/realtemp/ <---- with this u can check your cpu temps. It rly depends on temps and even more on laptops. 


Even when i fixed my gf's laptops she had same problems low fps and freezes and after the repairs fps went up and way less freezes and so on, and bns doesnt rly relay on vid card as it relays on cpu and over all cpu performance. 

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29 minutes ago, Tsuzor said:

well if your laptop is running too hot than its your laptops cooling problem. https://www.techpowerup.com/realtemp/ <---- with this u can check your cpu temps. It rly depends on temps and even more on laptops. 


Even when i fixed my gf's laptops she had same problems low fps and freezes and after the repairs fps went up and way less freezes and so on, and bns doesnt rly relay on vid card as it relays on cpu and over all cpu performance. 

well i have a similiar sw to check the core coolers etc,i checked dust and stuff as well. i will try this on another laptop too to see if thats the prob. sum1 suggested emmory leak..but other games like dragon nest and terra works e.e

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