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[Suggestion] Silverfrost Quartz


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Before increasing amount of quartz we can get from nodes, normal players was able to get low, and middle grade nodes for their own. Rich was reserved to bots.

Now bots gets also middle nodes leaving normal players with poor ones with 1-4 quartz in it. 

I am constantly running through all nodes around silverfrost and ONLY lowest nodes are up, same clanmates.

You need to set up two crafts for 24h to craft silverfrost pickaxe, and you can get 1 quartz form it, 

while few people managing bots have tons of it, and sells them in stacks of 50, 40, 30 on marketplace.


So dear NCsoft, please:


1. make all nodes looks the same

2. make their spawn time random

3. make their grade random or make one grade with full range of quartz possible to get from it


Such changes will be good for all normal players and bad for bots.

I see no downside of such fix, only profits for fair playing people.

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