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End season wintrader


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NCsoft have planned to do anything about these toxic habit befor end of season? At moment u have a team of 9 friends that win trader since few hours already. I prefer have a bot on my team than a gold/plat user that fight like a bronze dude.

These guy are fishing in the chat some fish to help em feed make sure they all gonna end night higher than they were, usually those trade winner are well organise with bot to trade win or using second account but fishing random poeple to make sure they all 9 gonna get higher ELO it stink 3WL teamed with 3 team of 2 friend that drafting random poeple on chat, stealing their elo rating.

I hope ur gonna look for trade winner and not only the top 30 bot scummoner

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There lets resume my night on BnS f9 tag match. After i heard bout that group of 9 friends was on same discord even using other friends account.. they telling account sharring is legit on BnS, i hope not... plus they even not hidding the fact telling other friend.. i know one of them who whisped me, that's how i learn i was a fish queuing tag at this moment...

my last 6 games, 4 times... 4 times someone afk gold+ ranked poeple.. that last game it was even the leader after chatting with us, who afk during the fight, third player was like a fu***** bot!! once we lose in f9 lobby he told us gg... anyway other two games was sad to.. not even lying silver 3v3 but a 1v1 plat destro, he took lead he does fury(e) + jump (1) + red spin before get pounded so hqard no defense use with 2 tag out 3 assist plus we both assisted him while ennemies didnt i mean wtf?..


/tears please work on ur end season wintrader only disqualifying those bot that push one night 1300 to 2150 clearly not enough.. so wrong!

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