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Question for other SF players


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I've been playing for a long minute now, I started out as an assassin (which I trashed after getting used to the game around level 50) and rerolled as a Soul Fighter when the class was first released.

I've really enjoyed this class so far and do not want to reroll, I'm not having a lot of issues levelling up, even though I'm pretty much relying on daily dungeons and experience charms after completing what's released so far of the storyline.


My main question is how to really help my SF boost 700+, as I'd really like to start getting into the harder dungeons like Desolate.


I'm level 50 HM6 with 473 AP, Awakened Breeze Bracers -Stage 10 (ready to upgrade when I finish getting materials), hexagonal ruby, sparkling pentagonal diamond, and brilliant hexagonal citrine. If it helps, my crit stats are Hit: 2,456 and Dmg: 1,251.

I've been stuck in the low 400's for a long while now and would really like to move higher. I jumped from the 440's to the 470's with the diamond but I'm still having issues. Any input or recommendations would be wonderful, even if you don't play SF! I'm still relatively new to the game and am not entirely sure of other, more convenient measures I can be taking other than spending real-world money which I would definitely prefer not doing :) 

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10 minutes ago, Somaho said:

I'm level 50 HM6 with 473 AP, Awakened Breeze Bracers -Stage 10 (ready to upgrade when I finish getting materials), hexagonal ruby, sparkling pentagonal diamond, and brilliant hexagonal citrine. If it helps, my crit stats are Hit: 2,456 and Dmg: 1,251.

  • Upgrade your weapon till awaken/true skorpio
  • Upgrade your Accessoires till true oathbreaker or more
  • If you havent: get a soul (Moonwater soul -> upgrade to hongmoon soul stage 1)
  • If you havent: get a bracelet and upgrade it till true oathbreaker (or more)



You can choose yourself, which option you will do firstly. After completing this "list" you should have an average ap of 650+ (if you want 700+, then you should get legendary weapon ,necklace and ring).

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Not to be obvious, but there's no secret to get 700+ AP.  You already know how to do it.  Grind dailies to get gold and materials.  Use extra gold to buy materials.  Then upgrade your stuff prioritizing weapon > accessories when you can.  If you continue on the path of upgrading everything to max, you'll eventually get 700+ AP.  Also don't forget that you also get some AP by leveling your HM levels.  Going from HM1 to HM10 (which is relatively easy compared to HM10-HM11) gets you about 30+AP.


You really don't need 700+ just to do harder dungeons.  If you just want to do them, try finding a decent clan on your server.  They'll more than likely will help you out in learning the mechanics and take you on their runs even when you're at lower AP (different clans have different requirements).


So you already know how to get to "700+ AP", it seems like your main problem is you want the most efficient way, and that's really different between people.  My best advice is to not rush it and just study on the materials you need for your upgrade.


Now that we have the upgrade path available, you can easily see what you need (I think).  I usually just make a big list of materials I need and then I write down the dailies/dungeons that I can do (within decent time and high success) and then just tackle it day by day. 

  • Need soulstones and faction insignias?  Start doing Faction dailies.
  • Need Frozen Stingers?  Do some easy lvl 50 heroic dungeons like Cold Storage and Heaven's Mandate.
  • Need Gold?  Start attempt daily challenges that you can complete for RNG chance at extra gold.

I'd greatly recommend once you reach the 500+ AP area to take some time to learn how to fight Naksun on Floor 15 to be self sufficient with Moonstones as well as learn a few 4-mans like Lair/Necro/Yeti to get you started off.  You can run 4-man of those dungeons and hope for rarer drops and hope there's a person in the party that would overpay for them or run them with friends/clannies for cheaper mats/split gold.


The key thing is to take your time and don't burn yourself out.  The dungeons are still going to be there by the time you get to that point.

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