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Blue moon soul badge KFM Bug


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so i got my blue moon sould badge that should give me me 500% Ap on next Comet Strike after a successful Searing palme but the effect won't work the damage is  the same i get the -10 Sec reduction but the damage  still the same hope you can fix this guys thanks .

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  • 3 weeks later...

maybe it's just me, but I don't really see the bug here. The soul badge adds an additional 500% of ur AP in damage to the next comet strike after a searing palm correct? cause if so it's doing exactly that. maybe u were expecting +500% increase to ur AP then for it to do the damage calculation but that's not what the badge says. The Key words here is additional. so it should be... (Your AP+500%) + (Your Crit Damage Modifier) = additional damage to your comet strike. which in your case would be (783+500%=4698) + 255% = roughly 16.7k additional damage give or take a few on damage rolls. your combat record in the video shows (after the buff from you soul is done)  roughly 15k. while lower than the 16.7k you could chalk that up to low damage rolls and it would still seem to be within the ballpark on the math.


EDIT: After looking at it again, there does seem to be a bug,  cause the fighting spirit buff should be increasing your crit damage +100% which would bring ur modifier to 355% which in that case should be giving u more around the 21k mark in additional damage. looks like the badge doesn't take into account that increase

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We forwarded this issue to our tester and they confirmed that the badge is working as intended. The extra damage will be displayed on a new line instead of being added into the base damage.


For exemple on the video, we can see that at 2:14 (08:38:28 in the chatlog).


54,490 damage = base damage of the skill.

15,355 damage = additional damage.

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